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"Jumin is so kind," Jaehee said as she took a sip of her coffee. Zen looked at her with a confused expression before speaking.

"He laughed at a child for slipping on ice this morning..." He said but that didn't stop Jaehee from continuing.

"He's talented too..."

"Being able to lick the tip of you own nose is not a talent," Zen said, somewhat annoyed at Jaehee being so lovestruck for that asshole. At least, he was an asshole in his opinion, it seemed because Jaehee still had more to say.

"And he's hot too!" Zen looked over at Jumin, who was not paying attention to thier conversation while pulling the most unflattering face over his bitter tasting coffee.

"Are we talking about the same person?"

A/N: Wrote this after seeing a chat post on Tumblr of imagine your otps.

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now