Be There For Her

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Jumin Han: It's Christmas again

Jumin Han: More importantly, it's my daughter's birthday again

Jumin Han: Saeyoung

Jumin Han: Make sure you come out of that room of yours this year and not just send your twin

707: I know. I'll try.

Jumin Han: I know you have some sort of thing against Christmas but you do not have anything against Areum. Your twin is your twin, not a replacement. Areum does love Saeran, yes, but she loves you too.

707: I know... I'll try to be there this year. I promise.

Jumin Han: She loves her uncle. Show her that you love her too.

Jaehee Kang: You're being a little harsh. Don't make him feel like the worst person to ever walk the Earth.

Jumin Han: He's missed all six of her birthdays. I think he should at least make her 7th.

Jaehee Kang: I suppose you're right... Please give our daughter her uncle.

707: I will try.

Jumin Han: Please. She's been wondering why you're not there.

707: I love her. I'm going to be there.

Jaehee Kang: Thank you

Jumin Han: Her party is at my house, though she'll have another party at the park with her friends. You're only needed at the first one but you may arrive at the second.

707: Thank you.

"Hello, Uncle Saeran!" Areum said, grinning up at Saeran. Saeran nodded and ruffled her hair.

"Hello, lovely," He bent down and wrapped a scarf around her.

"I didn't let my hair down so you could mess with it..." She pouted and Saeran gave her a smile.

"Really? How was I supposed to know?" Saeran asked. Areum opened her mouth to retort but closed it since she didn't have anything to say. "Go ahead and greet your other family members," Saeran said. Yes, they all knew they weren't truly family but that didn't stop the children from calling them all aunt or uncle or both, in Saeyoung's case. Saeran almost rolled his eyes at the image of his brother crossdressing.

"Okay. Promise you'll be here when I come back?"

"Of course, I always am," Saeran said. He watched her go ahead before looking down at the text on his phone.

Brother: I'm coming, I promise! Just please tell Jumin and Jaehee that I'm a little stuck... They'll kick my ass if you don't explain for me!

As much as Saeran wanted to see that, he knew how much Areum has wanted his brother to be here. She never said anything but Saeran does see small frowns from her every hour he isn't there. Saeran sighed before locating the mother and father.

"Hey," Saeran said, getting thier attention. "My idiot of a brother is coming but he said he's a little stuck,"

"What's happening?" Jaehee asked, slightly concerned if he was stuck in something as trivial as traffic or stuck as in being chased by guys from the organization, which has happened before.

"I don't know, he never said,"

"I hope he can make it," Jumin said. "I don't want to see Areum look sad at any part of her birthday today," Jumin continued.

"Don't worry," Saeran said. Areum was just as much Saeran's princess as Jumin's so he held some bitterness as well though he needed to make sure he was okay.

Are you okay?

Brother: Yes. Just... Last minute preparations...

You're not doing something bad, right?

Brother: Who do you take me for?!

Saeran didn't answer and instead put his phone in his pocket and smiled. He decided he should go find the birthday girl again and found her with Zen.

"Now, who's birthday is everyone celebrating?"

"Mine!" Areum chanted and Zen laughed. He was going to give that girl a god complex.


"Mine!" Areum said with a smile and a laugh. Saeran rolled his eyes with a smile. Zen will rub his narcissistic ways on her one day.

"Hey, I'm here for the princess," Saeran said and Areum motioned to Zen.

"He's all yours," She said. Saeran laughed as Zen pretended to look offended and then lost the act.

"I mean, you're right but dang," Zen said.

"I want the birthday princess," Saeran said and Areum let out a small 'oh'.

"Okay! Is it time for cake? Do you have a present?" She said starting to question him and he laughed.

"No, no cake yet and the scarf I gave you when I first came here is your present," Saeran said, taking her hand.

"That's not much of a present," Areum said. "But thank you," She added like she just thought of using her manners. It's true, she was beginning to become spoiled.

"You're welcome. Now-" Saeran was interrupted by a loud pop outside. He looked out the window, Areum following to see fireworks.

Happy birthday, Areum!!!!

The words showed in a fire of all her favorite colors. Saeran looked to the little girl to see her eyes had started to water up.

"Happy birthday to the brightest firework I've ever seen," Saeran heard his brother say behind them. Areum turned to see Saeyoung standing there with a party hat on. The tears that had started forming had finally started falling.

"Uncle Saeyoung!" Areum screeched as she gave him the tightest hug Saeran has ever seen her give anybody.

"Hello, Areum," Saeyoung hugged her back. "I love you," He whispered, kissing her head.

A/N: I had decided to replay the Christmas DLC and this is the idea I had. I borrowed the fireworks idea from Cheritz because I had almost cried when I saw the fucking fireworks at the christmas party okay?! Also, this is probably very shitty I'm sorry.

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