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"LaON!!!! THAT HURTS!!!" Gyeong shrieked as Laon applied the medicine for his sunburn. Okay, maybe he could be been a bit gentler with Gyeong's sunburned skin but he wanted to make sure it was on.

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to stop?" Laon taunted but Gyeong didn't say anything. Instead he turned his head the other way as he laid on his back. "That's what I thought," He said as he applied it to his cousin's lower back now. Gyeong hissed at that but Laon ignored his cries. It would be useless to stop everytime he let out a cry at how much it hurt. Really, Laon thought he shouldn't be complaining too much. He was the one that asked him help him apply the ointment. "Honestly, I should be the one complaining. This is disgusting,"

"My back is disgusting to you?" Gyeong asked and Laon gave him a poker face.

"When was the last time you showered?" He asked and Gyeong stayed silent. "Exactly. Really, put sunscreen on if you're going out with your girlfriend,"

"She's not my girlfriend," Gyeoung said, a blush on his cheeks as he pouted at his cousin.

"So, what bathing suit did she wear this time?"

"It was a two piece. I think this one was new. It was black with yellow poka dots,"

"Hahaha," Laon laughed, causing Gyeoung to look curiously at him. "Little bumble bee," He muttered with a smile on his face.

"Hey! You're going a bit too hard,"

"Sorry," Laon apologized as he looked at his work. "You can manage your own body from now on, I hope," He said. Gyeoung laughed, causing Laon to smile.

"Of course! I'm not too much of a disappointment,"

"I don't know... Sometimes, that can be debatable," Laon said as he walked to the doorway, not expecting a pillow to be thrown at the back of his head. Laon laughed as he turned back to Gyeong. "You're a pain,"

"Like you aren't," Gyeoung stuck his tongue out but all Laon did was walk out of the room, waving him off.

"You're just jealous,"

"Of what?!" Gyeoung shouted to him as he walked away. Good thing thier parents aren't home, they might be getting a little too loud right at this moment.

A/N: I wanted to explore Gueoung's and Laon's relationship. Basically, Saeran and Laon live with Saeyoung and his family because there's more than enough rooms. Okay, bye, this is all I wanted!

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