Kissing headcanons

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-Jumin loves touching Jaehee anywhere while they kiss

-Hips are his number one place to go

-He loves it if she grips his clothes or plays with his hair.

-Always goes for her neck at some point.

-Its not even sexual sometimes

-Loves it when she pulls him closer.

-He just wants to feel her body, really

-This man loves kissing as much as possible.

-just loves grabbing her hair whether it's short or long

-Will play with that butt but it won't be a game anymore if he does 😉

-Jaehee likes it when he touches her anywhere

-She likes it when he bites her lip. Even if it bleeds a little...

-She likes having her fingertips trail all over Jumin and watching him squirm a bit.

-Will pull his hair if she wants to or if she's in a demanding mood.

-loves when he touches her and pays attention to every part like she is there for that shit!

-often sighs into a kiss but Jumin does not complain because that usually means she's enjoying it

-usually Jaehee's the one to break the kiss but will sometimes go in for another because damn she loves his kisses

-smiling into kisses are what they both do a lot

-laughing too

-Sometimes Jumin takes Jaehee in another room away from Elizabeth and sometimes doesn't. It depends on if it was a quick kiss or he realizes "shit, okay, this needs to be moved"

-Jumin loves how Jaehee looks after kisses. No debate.

-will kiss for anything, really. Annoys some of the members of RFA if they're out and will kiss a lot. Like "some of us are single here!".

-They kiss each other when one of them is mad. It usually shuts the other up or distracts them from the petty issue.

-kissing while cuddling is A+++ in thier books

-puts kissing on a leash (sometimes) when at work.

-Jumin is sometimes salty with his father so kisses Jaehee A LOT when out on a lunch thing with his father. Jaehee has to apologize because Jumin will not.

-Will find any excuse for a kiss. Honestly, they just want the other near or closer all the time.

-feel free to add on.

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