What Do You Think?

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Mr. Chairman raised an eyebrow as he reflected on how Jumin and Jumin's assitant acted together. It wasn't professional but neither was it professional. Her name was Jaehee, Jumin has said that name multiple times, of course, he corrected that but Mr. Chairman still caught it.

He noticed Jumin acted so much nicer to her than to any woman he wanted to set him up with. It was strange since Jaehee wasn't nearly as pretty as the other women, in his opinion and she was... kind of bland in comparison. Normal and not at all anything he'd want to pay so much attention to. Mr. Chairman liked something that gave him a rush and Jaehee wasn't that.

Though, he couldn't help but wonder if this woman is what Jumin likes. Jumin acted so much more attentive, softer, nicer, happy and he acted as if she was the most important thing right now. Though, Mr. Chairman also noticed they had no sense of personal space whatsoever.

They could be literally on each other's laps and not notice anything. He's never seen that but he wouldn't doubt it. He wasn't sure how he felt about this. One one hand, Mr. Chairman couldn't say anything as he himself had dated one of Jumin's assistants. On the other, Jaehee wasn't anything he imagined Jumin would like. He imagened something that would be the image of power.

Jaehee Kang was nothing like that. She had short hair and glasses. Not only that, but she always had a stressed look about her. Sometimes she'd be like the boss while Jumin was out, yes but she wasn't at any power at all. Her looks and position was anything but favorable.

Jumin couldn't possibly keep her closer to his heart than any other woman, could he? That cat came to Mr. Chairman's mind and he rolled his eyes. Elizabeth III was one of the reasons some marriages never went through. Then, Mr. Chairman realized that Jaehee was also a reason. Jaehee was the one who looked into those women before Jumin could marry.

Jaehee had been the one to stop marriages before. He wondered if Jaehee cared about who Jumin ended up with. Was she jealous or did she want Jumin to be happy? As much as he likes to think he knows a woman's mind, he is still confused on Jaehee's.

He's also confused on why Jumin would settle for her when he could have so much more. Jaehee should be a one time fling at least, and yet she's in every moment of Jumin's life. He's even found the assistant's things at his son's home. Jumin explained that sometimes Jaehee had to stay there for certain projects, like if it is due that day or if Elizabeth needs to be at home but also be watched.

He saw she had her own bedroom there and rolled his eyes. He'd even go as far to say Jaehee was more but didn't want to ask. Jumin got annoyed when he brought up the subject of love too much.

They don't exactly help thier case. They hang around each other so often they've been picking up the others habits. Jaehee would play with her sleeves while Jumin would close his eyes and sigh when annoyed.

He shook his head as he walked down the hall. He didn't know how he felt about this relationship but it was something he had to bring up soon to them.


"...My son and his assitant? Hmm..." Mr. Chairman thought as he was interviewed by the gossip journalists. "Well, they act like two people would in a relationship but deny anything. They're still professional but seem to like each other a lot. Maybe too much," He said to the people. They quickly wrote it down, excited to write a new story.

Jumin was not pleased with the scandal that recently came out in the paper.

A/N: I'm participating in rarepair week but I missed the first day so here's the second.

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now