A Love Like Ours

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Jaehee walked into the office, cup of coffee in each hand. It was one of those few times when Jumin opted for coffee instead of wine and he had asked her for one. She walked faster when she realized she had already been gone for a minute too long, worrying over if he was waiting on her or not.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I..." The rest of the sentence died on her lips when she realized Mr. Chairman and another higher official were there with serious expressions on thier faces. It almost seemed like a grim subject was being discussed. She was only gone for a moment...

"Honey, I'm so glad you're here!" Jumin said as he stood up. Jaehee was super confused but even more scared when he gave her a kiss on the cheek and took the coffee. He lingered there for a second and whispered "I'm sorry but please play along,".

"Hello, what's this?" Jaehee said, gesturing to the scene in front of her.

"Well, my son didn't seem to be in a relationship and he needs an heir before he or his partner gets too old. I was going to arrange a marriage but..." Mr. Chairman said and it all clicked. Jumin is trying to use her as a way out of this thing his father was going to set up.

"Yes, well, I already have a fiancee," Jumin said, his voice faltering slightly as he looked at Jaehee for the rest of the story.

"Yes, he's my fiancee and I have never been more in love," Jaehee said, the lie seeming to burn her throat. It was so wierd when she knew she was talking about her boss.

"I see. Well, I hate to be kept in the dark about my son's love life but as long as he's got somebody to give an heir," Mr. Chairman said, his gaze lingering on Jaehee. Jaehee didn't know if Jumin was willing to go that far to keep out of an arranged marriage but it seemed she had already signed up to go along.

"Yes and I'm excited," She said, inwardly gagging.


"So how far is this plan going to go?" Jaehee asked once they both were out of there. Jumin sighed before speaking.

"I don't know. I DO know that the woman he wants me to marry is vile and she's such a bad person. I just don't want to be with that forever," Jumin said before continuing, "And I don't want my children to be raised by her," Despite everything, Jaehee smiled at him. He may not have this all down but it was evident he didn't want to have his offspring developing the same traits as whoever this woman was.

"So you've met her,"

"Yes. She is an... inconvenience to my well-being,"

"Okay..." Jaehee said, straightening up. "Do I have any incentive?"

"You have a job and two months of vacation," Two months?! Jumin has never let her go on vacation to begin with but two months seemed too much for her mind to comprehend. Jaehee could tell by the look on his face, though, that he thought it was just enough to make up for his lie.

"Okay," Jaehee said, voice cracking from the amazement she was still in.


"So, do your parents know of this secret love?" Mr. Chairman asked Jaehee, seeming to not buy it at all.

"They're dead, sir," She said, hoping this was the end of the discussion. It'd be so much easier if it were.

"How about the rest of your family then?"

"No sir,"

"Then please tell them. Marriage is a big thing that cannot be hidden from family forever," He said. Jaehee groaned internally, already hating the idea of lying to her whole family. Does Jumin even HAVE a plan?! She was beginning to doubt it. It seemed that this lie would truly end up in getting them married to each other.

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