Video Games

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Gyeong yawned as he kept his eyes on the screen of the video game. It was too late, even for him. Jisu didn't seem to be any better, her eyes closing but opening back up.

"We can go to sleep, if you want," Gyeong said and Jisu shook her head.

"No. I need to beat you at least once and I'm in the lead!" She said. Gyeong laughed before looking back at the screen. Not long after did he notice that Jisu's character wasn't moving anymore.

"Hey, susu-" Gyeong said, using her nickname and turning to her only to see she had fallen asleep, her controller slipping from her hands. She looked so peaceful sleeping like that. Her hair was out of her high ponytail and was slightly messy. She snored quietly, causing him to chuckle, knowing that he was probably worse. He knew the only reason she stayed was because Yoosung was staying later at work than he thought and because Gyeong's parents were there. Laon had gone to the batting cage with Areum and wondered when they'd be back. Had Laon already gotten back and he didn't notice? Either way, he had a sleeping Jisu to deal with.

A part of him wanted to take her to bed so she was more comfortable but an evil voice in his head told him to take her controller and kick her butt. Well... It IS the end of the game anyways... Gyeong thought with a smile as he took the controller and worked on his character, gaining more points than her in no time and seeing his character had won. He had earned a reward and laughed before looking back at her. "Alright, I'm done," He said as if he was talking to her before he turned off the console. He tried to pick her up but she woke up before he could get her off the ground.

"What? What's happening?" She said in a voice that sounded as if she was half asleep.

"I kicked your butt and now you're going to bed," He said. Jisu looked slightly confused before realization took over her face.

"You're an asshole!"

"Hey! I was just about to put you in a more comfortable space, I'm not THAT much of an asshole!"

"You betrayed me when I was at my weakest!" Jisu said. Gyeong laughed as he saw her face, a slight pout residing there.

"Okay, that's true but either way, get in the bed,"

"Where are you sleeping?" Jisu asked. Gyeong was going to set out a futon and just sleep on the ground. Gyeong's back already hurts like a 70 year old man's, Jisu's body can still be saved from the ache.


"But this isn't my bed. It's yours,"

"Shut up and sleep," He said as he went into his closet and reached for the futon. It hasn't been used since his sleepover with Jeaki when they were ten. They wanted to sleep on the ground and tell scary stories at that age, pretending they were camping. Jisu and him could do that but she didn't bring her own futon.

"I will sleep on the futon," Jisu said, helping Gyeong with getting it out.

"No. Your body is still free of many aches. Don't hurt your back because of your pride," Gyeong scolded. Jisu narrowed her eyes but complied anyways, crawling into bed and under the covers.

"Your bed is probably filthy," She muttered and he laughed loudly.

"Lord knows I didn't get my cleaning skills from Vanderwood," He said, laying the futon on the floor and making sure all the lights were turned off. He made his way in the futon and smiled. "Goodnight, Susu,"

"That's such a childish nickname..." She stayed silent for a moment before she spoke again. "Goodnight, Gyeong," He didn't hear anything after that except for her light snores. He fell asleep shortly after, wondering if Jisu would draw on his face when he woke up later than her.

A/N: I saw a video game OTP prompt and I thought they were perfect for this. They aren't OTP but... You know..
I couldn't resist

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