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"Again," Jumin said, leading Jaehee's hand to his shoulder and putting his own hand on her waist.

"This is stupid," She responded but moved with him either way, following the steps to the song. "The only parties I go to are the RFA ones. I don't even dance there," Jaehee kept complaining and Jumin didn't know whether it was an annoyance or he wanted to laugh at it. Maybe both.

"Well, guess what? You're going to a party now and you need to learn to dance," Jumin said but all Jaehee did was look down at her feet, concentrating on where they were. "I can also see that you need practice with looking your partner in the eyes," Jumin said and Jaehee looked up at him but he was met with a glare. "Well, I'd say they wouldn't like to be glared at but it's a start,"

"Shut up," Jaehee said, looking down again. They had been at this for 25 minutes now and Jaehee has barely gotten the hang of it. She was supposed to follow her boss to some type of important party but she needed to learn how to dance first. She was his assistant, sure, but that didn't mean others wouldn't want to dance with her at some point and it'd be an embarrassment if she couldn't do it properly. Jumin examined the way she moved, looking to see if he needed to either scold her or tell her to keep doing whatever she was doing.

"You need to relax a bit more. That's what's making your steps a little more stiff, which does not go with the flow of music or your partner,"

"Im sorry but this is the closest I've been to another human in a while. Forgive me," Jaehee said sarcastically. Jumin laughed and Jaehee had to resist the urge to hit him. She instead hid her face from him.

"Again, eye contact is important,"

"No, it's not," Jaehee argued even if she hasn't properly learned about any of this in her life.

"Assitant Kang, be a bit more comfortable around me. You trust me, don't you?" He asked and Jaehee let out a breath as she looked at his eyes again.

"Of course, sir, but I really don't think I'd accept dancing with someone. Besides, I usually dont give the impression I'm open to that kind of thing. Honestly, I have a face that tells people I'm not in the mood to talk,"

"That's true but we don't say that," Jumim said as he took another step before pulling Jaehee's hand up, giving her the signal to spin for him. He noticed she was quicker to notice his ques and he smiled at her progress. "You're getting better,"

"Really?" She asked. She gave him a look as if she didn't believe him but didn't outright say anything. He smiled again, letting go of her completely before bowing, letting her know it was the end of the dance.

"Yes. Do you want to practice again? In my opinion, I think you should accept all the practice you can get. I promise that if you do it one last time, I'll let you have a little break from looking after Elizabeth the 3rd," Jumin bartered and Jaehee's eyes sparkled at that.

"Are you being serious?"

"Absolutely. You stink at dancing, so you need this last dance,"

"You're a horrible person," Jaehee said as he grabbed her hand again and rested his other on her waist.

"Sometimes. Now, focus on where you're putting most of your weight. That can make or break your performance,"

"If this is a performance, am I entertaining you?"

"Yes. Sometimes it's really funny watching you struggle," He said with a small laugh and Jaehee narrowed her eyes at him with a frown.

"You aren't much for a pep talk, huh?" Jaehee said.

"Try looking at me this whole dance. Don't worry, it won't be too bad. I'll try to make conversation,"

"What's there to talk about?" Jaehee asked but looked up at him anyways.

"Well, you're no good at pep talk either, I see,"

A/N: Had an idea, did an idea.

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now