My RFA Kids

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I think I've come up with how my RFA kids look. Of course, you can keep imagining them however you want because they can look however the reader wants them to look but these are how I think they look most of the time.

Areum: (Jumin and Jaehee's daughter)

-black hair. Usually let down and a bit wavy. Looks almost perfect all the time tbh

-brown eyes. They sparkle all the time because anything excites her.

-Jumin's vampire pale skin but has very pink lips, sometimes red if it's really cold.

-Has a bit of freckles near her ears but her hair covers it.

-wears either her brother's clothes or the latest spring dress. There is no in-between. Wears extravagant necklaces for casual things sometimes.

-Puts her hair in a bun if it's wet or she's concentrating.

-Has Jaehee's body type. A bit of a strong girl because she always doing Judo. Big bust and butt.

Jeaki: (Jumin(?) and Jaehee's son)

-Brown hair. Is a bit long so Areum can put it in a short ponytail if she wants but it's not much of a ponytail. Usually styles it so it still looks professional because he's got a company to run when Jumin retires.

-Brown eyes. Usually dulled unless he's looking at Areum or his RFA friends or his parents. Only things he smiles at really.

-Jaehee's small tan but still pretty pale.

-Will wear glasses but they're only for reading because he ruined his eyes a bit when he was younger. Had a habit of standing right in front of the television.

-Wears suits, old t-shirts, sweatpants, ties, nothing at all. He doesn't care, it depends on his mood and how much effort he wants to put in and if he's going anywhere.

-Usually has a stone face like Jumin unless he sees his family or friends. Then he'll have a smile on his face and maybe the same sparkle as Areum.

-Is tall and has a nice build. Most is because of puberty and genetics, he never liked exercising.

Jisu: (Yoosung's daughter)

-Brown hair. In a tight, high ponytail to keep it from her face as shes studying.

-Green eyes. They're like emeralds. Especially if she's watching Zen's daughter, Eunha, perform a song or play. New fangirl, tbh.

-Yoosung's skin tone. Has a small mole on her left cheek. Freckles on her nose.

-Usually wears regular shirts and jeans. Does wear braclets and sometimes earings. Doesn't matter if it's just studs or hoops. Has a small piercing on her nose but barely wears it.

-Usually unamused but smiles and laughs if she finds something funny or she sees RFA or RFA 2nd.

-does game with Gyeong sometimes but not all the time because she's determined to get a good GPA

-mommy of RFA. Always giving advice or lecturing. Is the one that lectures Jeaki and Areum the most. Those two are like troublemaking twins.

-Average build on everything.

Gyeong: (Saeyoung and MC's son)

-Brown hair with natural hints of red. Curly.

-Orange/yellow eyes. Wears glasses but he has a collection from bright pink all the way to black. Depends on his mood what glasses to wear.

-pretty pale because he's always indoors. His cousin, Laon, always drags him outside by his hoodie or necklace or, if he isn't wearing anything to grab, his hair.

-dresses like a homeless man but still somehow fashionable.

-he isn't really healthy.

-freckles all over his body. Has a few moles here and there.

-fun loving and makes jokes but gets concentrated on random things a lot, like a plant in a hallway one time. Bickers with Laon a lot.

-bit of a strong boy but not at the same time. Areum can still step on him if she wanted to but maybe that's because he doesn't give her much a fight in the first place.

Eunha: (Zen's daughter)

-White hair with blonde streaks. Half way up- half way down hairstyle but will put it in ponytail or bun for convince. Once chopped her hair off but never again.

-blue eyes with red specks. Almost looks like Elizabeth human version if you squint. Jumin's favorite child (except for his own) because of this tbh.

-very pale. Like holy shit she's looks like a goddess. Nothing is on her skin. No freckles, moles, blemishes or anything. Nothing has touched her.

-Always dress to impress is her motto. Usually buys designer shit. Favorite things to wear are dresses and skirts. Baggy shirts are bae. Tight shirts are great. Fashionable.

-Jisu is her biggest fan. Always feels good when she ever gets applauded.

-average build for a woman. Has a bit smaller boobs than average but it's okay.

-not good with make up but daddy Zen to the rescue. Very energetic. Really, if you played her route, there's barely angst.

Laon: (Saeran's son)

-Has red hair. It's more straight than curly though.

-Has orange/yellow eyes too but specks of mint because the result of Saeran having that stuff injected in him in his mint eye days.

-Pale but somehow not as bad as Eunha.

-faint freckles but not as noticeable as his cousin. Keeps Gyeong's secret of being a hacker but he himself keeps away from the hacking.

-his wardrobe is a weird mix between emo and sunshine. Just like Areum's personality!

-plays baseball and loves when Areum watches. Has a small crush but knows Gyeong is already Areum's crush so he tries to admire from afar.

-smiles a lot. Always has a soft smile on his face. Unless he's sleeping, then he has a frown.

So, what do you guys think? I rather like them. I finally made Zen's child and Saeran's child!!! Do you like them all? I tried very hard. I am rather proud of what I came up with.

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