Sleepy Beauty

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There are certain things Jaehee couldn't help. For example, she couldn't help but fangirl when Zen had a new role or sent an even more perfect photo of himself. She couldn't help but follow her instinct to make a cup of coffee in the mornings or groan when her alarm went off.

The one thing she could help, though, was Jumin's good looks and charm. While most women would fawn over him giving them any sort of attention, Jaehee could resist that. He never tried with her because there was no point but that didn't mean she never noticed.

It was only tonight when Jaehee had to stop dead in her tracks and stare. This was one of those times when she had spent the night and Jumin had forced her to go to sleep instead of staying up to finish whatever work she had to. Unfortunately, she had woken up only a meer two hours later and couldn't fall back asleep so she ventured out, hoping that maybe she could find something to make her fall asleep or entertain her while she was awake.

That was when she saw Jumin. He was just as tired as her, if not more, but that wasn't why she stopped even if she tells herself that was the reason. She stopped because Jumin looked so much more handsome in his somewhat sleepy and dazed state to her. He smiled at her, only heightening how attractive she thought he was.

"Good evening, Assistant Kang. Are you not tired?" He asked, catching her attention again at how his voice sounded. His voice had always been deep and she had gotten used to it but his voice when it was night and he was tired was what made Jaehee blush a little. It was husky with a low growl accompanying every word. She knew he wasn't doing it on purpose but that voice was, she hated to say it, sexy to her. She was disgusted at herself because, for a spilt second, she was thinking he could probably rival Zen in this state.

"Ah... Yeah..." She didn't remember what Jumin said, being too caught up in analyzing her newfound, unbearable attraction to her boss.

"Are you okay? You seem dazed. Maybe you need to go back to bed," Jumin said, clearly noticing Jaehee's slow processing. Jaehee shook her head after a moment, blush on her cheeks visible to him even in the dark.

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking, I'm sorry, Mr. Han,"

"Alright. What were you even doing out here anyways?" Jumin asked, causing Jaehee to think. Why did she come out here? It seems just the look and sound of a tired Jumin made her forget everything. She paused for a moment and closed her eyes, her brows furrowed before responding.

"I... guess I'll just go back to sleep. Goodnight, Mr. Han," She said, turning back to her room before Jumin even responded with a goodnight of his own.


Jaehee Kang: MC!!!!! Have you ever found Mr. Han almost as beautiful as Zen?! I can't be the only one, I just can't! Please help me!

MC: *screaming* Jaehee! What the fuck?! What happened?!

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