Second Kiss

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Jumin's first kiss was when he was 14. It was just with a friend in high school but it was nothing special. He had never kissed anyone and neither had she. They had decided they might as well kiss each other but Jumin couldn't find it within himself to feel anything for her after it. He was only  thankful that she didn't feel anything either.

This is why Jumin was so confused as to why his father was so weak to women. What did they have that he didn't already? Why was he always so vulnerable to them? Women didn't offer anything to Jumin so what did his father see?

He was almost certain he'd never understand what his father does but that was before a shock of electricity seemed to go through him when he recieved his second kiss.

He admits, being 27 is a little late for a second kiss but so is finally having the most amazing feeling in the world. It was a wonder why his assistant held the power to make him feel as if he couldn't stand with a simple kiss that was accidental in the first place.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Han. I will watch where I'm going from now on," Jaehee said but Jumin couldn't hear her. He was focusing on the feeling that he hasn't ever felt, not even on his first kiss. He didn't want it to go away, He really didn't but the sad part is all sensations will go away at some point.

The pathetic part was that she was still his assistant and she didn't mean to kiss him. The pathetic part was he still wanted to kiss her.

He tried to ignore how she could make his heart jump at the slightest action or how she could make him fall to his knees had she wished. He ignored each and every time he wanted to kiss her. He avoided touching her, which Jaehee found weird. They were never on a no touch policy as long as nothing was more than friendly but Jumin was starting to set one on himself, too afraid he may go too far.

He'd have a heart attack when she'd touch him, though. He wouldn't stop her, but he'd freeze for a moment. He never missed her confused looks when he acted like that. He knew he acted strange.

Mr. Han, remember to get more food for Elizabeth on the way to your home

She had texted him but all she reminded him of was a nagging wife. She had always sounded like one and he's even compared her to one a few times. Now, He couldn't help but blush at the thought of her being his wife. He knew this was immature. He knew each action he took to bury his feelings were almost like the act of a tsundere school boy but he still did so.

The worst part was sometimes, if he stayed behind at work, she'd already be at his home. She'd be the one to greet him or follow him. She mostly stayed at her own home, of course, but they had this weird type of sleepover. She almost always was at his house when she wanted to be but sometimes he'd follow her to her own home.

Only now had he realized how weird this was but he couldn't stop it. It had been going on for almost as long as she'd been working for him. He's never done these things with his other assistants, so he wondered what possessed him to initiate these things.

It was astonishing that she could act just the same when they had a kiss but he supposed that was who she was. She was someone who could keep a professional (somewhat) relationship if she had to. She was a woman who could adapt with her surroundings or could stay the same. Jaehee was a woman who will do either if she had to.

Jumin couldn't help but think Jaehee is keeping it professional for him. He started thinking that maybe she does think about him the same way he thinks about her but he dismissed it. There was no way.

She couldn't love me.

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now