Understand This

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Jaehee sat on the chair of her boss' home office, looking out the window as she waited for someone important, a glare permanently residing on her face.


She saw the lady of the hour arriving with a grim face as she got out the car and entered the home. Any minute now she'll be here looking for her husband, who was currently being comforted by his best friend somewhere else.

Jaehee will never forget how V's face looked at her before he left her in Jumin's house. "Let her know how wrong she was," was almost being screamed as he left with his friend.


Three knocks arrived to her ears as MC's small hand knocked on the office door. Jaehee only reclined in Jumin's chair, listening as MC entered with a rattle of the doorknob.

"...Jumin..." Her voice rang out softly, making the anger only accumulate more inside of her. She truly thought she could manipulate Jumin's feelings easily with just a sweet voice and charismatic words?

...She probably could. Knowing Jumin for as long as she has... Knowing how this was the woman of his dreams... It's very probable that she could make Jumin forgive her for the monstrosity she'd done.


Jaehee spun in the chair slowly, her face giving no emotion away as she stared holes into the woman across the room.

All was quiet for a moment before MC tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "...Is Jumin somewhere else?" Was her question as she refused to look directly at his assistant. Jaehee only nodded as she stood.

"Yes. However, so are your feelings," She said, making MC's lips purse together. "Jaehee—"

"Save it. Idiocy is one thing I never took you for, MC," Jaehee went around the desk, leaning on it as she continued the conversation. "Was it worth it? The affair? The cheating? The lying? The deceit? Was any of it worth it?" Jaehee spoke quickly, her hands making movements dramatically as she spoke.


"Did Jumin's emotions mean that little to you? I've known the man long enough to realize that he was happy! For the first time in a long time, I've seen him smile. I've seen him laughing and let me just say that that's a beautiful sight!" She inches closer to MC as she continued her speech.

"You know what's not a beautiful sight? A crying man. A man in tears because he believes nobody wants him! That nobody actually loves him! That he's unlovable! A man that's kept up all night by the thought that he wasn't enough for someone like you!" Her voice was quiet but powerful as she spoke. Her eyes held a passion in them that MC hasn't seen before.

"I was weak! I didn't know what to do! I was in a situation and you should understand that!" MC fought back, being shut down quickly as Jaehee responded without a second thought.

"Understand?!" Jaehee scoffed at her, letting her fist make contact with the desk harshly. "Understand what?! I understand that Jumin Han is not a man to cheat on! I understand this man is complex! I understand that it took forever and a half for him to open up! For him to accept his emotions for what they are! I know him almost as well as V does! You will never find a man as accepting of someone else! As understanding! As, and I hate to say it, but as generous!"


"He's someone who doesn't understand the limitations of a person but that's okay! He's been raised his whole life to never have limitations! He's been raised to be emotionless! The fact that you may have taken the smile he's just gained from him so easily makes me feel something I'd never think I would ever feel for a wife of Mr. Han! Do you know what I saw when I met you?!"

Things were quiet for a moment before MC only looked down, shaking her head and waiting for an explanation of what Jaehee wanted to say.

"I saw fondness on his face. Adoration. Love. I've only seen those on his face for one other woman,"

MC was shocked as she heard those words, implying that Jumin had another before her. She looked up, searching for an answer of Jaehee's face but coming up with none. She wanted desperately to know what Jaehee knew. She wanted to search her mind and know all of Jumin that she hasn't heard.

Who has Jumin looked at the way he's looked at her?

Then Jaehee sat down, a dark shadow almost enveloping her figure as the office chair seemed to swallow her. Somehow, she looked more threatening than ever.

"I stood by. Do you understand why I did such a thing? Why I didn't try to comfort him on my own as I had years prior?! Why I sent you?! Why I made sure you were by his side instead of me?!" Jaehee's anger was at full point, her fingers curling into each other as they were trying to find purchase on anything to grab but finding nothing. "It's because I love him as much as I can! It's because I put his happiness beyond all else! I put it above both mine and his reputation! I put it above even my own happiness! You should do so too!"

MC's eyes widened as Jaehee yelled at her. She winced slightly in shock, never seeing Jaehee's face turn that shade of red from anger before. Her heart sped up as fear made itself present.

"Jumin is the best thing in your life! You shall treasure him as such! Never, and I mean never, forget that you've been a terrible wife! Never forget you've been blessed with one of the best husbands in the world! The only thing you should ever understand is your husband!"

"Why don't you marry him if you understand him so much?!" MC said, yelling out words in defense before realizing what she had said. Jaehee seemed eerily calm and quiet before walking over to MC, leaning close before being level with her ear.

"News flash: I have," Jaehee said as she pulled away, seeming to be satisfied by MC's wide eyed face. "Don't think you're the only one with memories of the timelines ever again,"

A/N: So I was thinking of a cheating MC on Jumin and I seriously think that Jaehee would probably confront her more harshly than anyone and V would be teaching Jumin that it wasn't okay to be cheated on, even if you love the woman.

Also Jaehee remembering the timelines is something I've never explored so her remembering being his wife took a toll on her reaction.

Anyways, note over! I'm very tired.

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