1K Reads!!!

140 3 9

Okay I literally did not notice this until GayMemeClyde pointed this out to me. Thanks man. Anyways, I thought I was still at six hundred but nO IM AT 1K Thank you guys!! And my first one hit 12K Reads!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all! Honestly when I started writing for this couple it was really slow. I didn't even edit the first couple chapters from the first book but as people read it I starting giving actual effort! It's fun as fuck for me! The weirdest part is that if I dont update in 24 hours, it feels like I haven't updated in a week. That's how weirdly frequent I give chapters but I love it! I've never worked so much on one book no less made another one as an extension for the first one! Anyways, thank you, I mean it to all of you! I'm so proud of myself and of all of you for sticking around through my weird/odd/cringeworthy chapters. Thank you so much!

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