Only Exception

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A/N: Whoo! I'm finally done! I can't believe it and it's probably bad because most parts were written in the middle of the night! Have fun!!!!!!!! Used my favorite MakoHaru video for this because honestly, this video was the one that had struck the inspiration. Let's get into it!!!!!

When I was younger I saw my daddy cry and curse at the wind. He broke his own heart and I watched as he tried to reassemble it.

Jumin was only so young when he saw his father go from woman to woman. He was disappointed in his father and he sometimes couldn't bring himself to respond when his father said 'I love you' to him. He was sickened with what his father did. Jumin tried to justify it with his father probably trying to mend a broken heart left by his mother but couldn't be sure as he saw yet another woman walk out the door, having not worked out once again.

And my mamma swore that she would never let herself forget. That was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love if it does not exsit.

Once his father and mother finally went to get the divorce papers signed and final, Jumin sat and waited on a bench in the courthouse. He swung his legs back and forth as he waited for the adult business to be settled, waiting anxiously to see who he'd be going to. He thought over love as he waited and what it really meant.

Was this what love was? Does it all just end up like this? He had read somewhere that almost all marraiges end up in divorce. Jumin didn't want to feel that heartbreak. He didn't want to constantly fight with the person he loved and he didn't want to hurt anyone he deeply cared about. His black eyes darkened as he closed his eyes and sighed. The only choice I have is to not love at all.

But, darling, you are the only exception. You are the only exception. You are the only exception. You are the only exception...

Jumin hated himself. He hated himself for being so weak. He hated himself for finding both his assitant's personality and looks attractive. He hated himself for being like his father, not caring for professionalism. Not caring for her being his employee. He didn't want to like her in the slightest and he tried to push her away. Though, all he managed was only pulling her closer with dragging her into the RFA.

Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul that love never lasts. We've got to find others ways to make it alone but keep a straight face. I've always lived like this, keep at a comfortable distance. Up until now I have sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness. Because none of it was ever worth the risk.

Jumin kept having conflicted feelings with Jaehee. He kept seeing her as more. He kept being selfish and wanting more but he never acted on anything.

He never did anything that he wanted to, at least, not with her. He knew that she had the same views on love as him, that much was clear, but he still somehow had a need for her, of all people. He needed her close and he needed her with him.

He didn't need her romantically, per say, but he needed her in his life in any way she'd allow. He was driving himself insane and if he caught himself thinking of Jaehee, he'd always play with Elizabeth or distract himself in another way but that relief never lasted long. He knew that dating Jaehee was the riskiest thing he had ever thought about.

Not only because he knew it'd end up with fights and scandals. It'd also not be able to work out and he'd end up where his father ended up: divorced.

Well you are the only exception. You are the only exception. You are the only exception. You are the only exception!

He doesn't know what possesses him when he invites Jaehee to spend the night or when he takes her to places that really should only be reserved for dates or when he cares about her too much, even when she says to not worry about her.

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now