You're so Beautiful...

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Jaehee sat at the side of Jumin's hospital bed, reading a book she's been wanting to for a while and waiting for him to wake up. He had been in surgery but nothing too drastic, though he will still be on anesthetics when he wakes up for maybe an hour. She heard a groan from the bed and looked up from her book with a smile. "Hello sleepy head," She said. Jumin opened his eyes and saw her only to look like he had just had all the air taken from his lungs.

"Wow..." He said and touched her face with his left hand, smiling. "Okay, you are eye candy!" He stopped touching her face. "Did the doctor send you in? No... You're too beautiful... You must be a model, though, I'm not sure why you would be here," Jumin said, his voice sounding almost as if he were drunk. Jaehee laughed before speaking, a blush on her cheeks.

"No. I'm Jaehee and I'm your wife," She said, holding up her hand and showing him the wedding ring on her finger.

"We're married?!" He looked as if he had just been told the best news of his life. "Wow...!" He said as he covered his face with his hands, a grin going from ear to ear. "How did I do that!" He said as he looked back at her. "You must be kidding. I could never be able to woo someone like you,"

"No, you did. I'm truly your wife," Jaehee smiled lovingly at him. He did tell her stuff like this all the time but the fact that he's telling her this even if he doesn't remember her, that tells a lot.

"That's amazing! I want to do something for my beautiful wife then," Jumin said as he attempted to sit up but Jaehee sat him back down.

"You don't have to. Besides, you need to rest. You've just been through surgery," Jaehee said and she expected for him to be stubborn like usual but that wasn't what she was met with.

"My wife is reasonable too... Oh my goodness, and she cares about my health!" Jaehee didn't expect him to cry. "I don't deserve the best wife in the world..."

"Don't cry... I'm not the best, I just told you to lay down,"

"But you said that because you want me to take care of myself before I take care of you! Do I tell you I love you? I need to say it more! I love you!"

"You say it everyday," Jaehee said, grabbing some tissues and handing it to him.

"Then I need to say it twice a day,"

"You say it multiple times everyday,"

"Then I need to do that x2," Jumin argued. Jaehee laughed as her heart fluttered. Jumin was romantic even before anesthetics but now it seemed all his feelings spilled out while on the drug.

"You're fine, Jumin,"

"I know but still!" It seemed he was also a big baby when on anesthetics. She wondered if Jumin would like for her to tell him what happened when it all wore off.

A/N: I'm finished! None of you were expecting a chapter... Woosh!

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