Rival Assistant

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Jumin stared at Jaehee, who was talking to his business rival's assistant like he was an old friend. Jumin couldn't help but think if she liked him. He wasn't much, sure, but that was only Jumin's opinion of him, which wasn't very high to begin with. Jaehee probably saw a lot more.

"Ah, your boss is harsh on you too, huh?"

"I'd like to believe he's a little more so. Does your boss give you work in the night?" Jaehee asked and the other assistant laughed.

"Oh God, no! Okay, you win. My boss is a bit better," Jumin didn't like this boy. He was young, only 21 years of age, but still seemed to sparke Jaehee's interest somehow. Jumin was surprised at himself for feeling sad, as if he was watching a much sadder scene than what was actually happening. Then he felt a little angry. He knew it wasn't either assistant's fault but he was angry at him anyways. He felt almost betrayed. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Jaehee's laugh. He truly loved that sound but right now, it felt as if someone had stabbed him. He hated that the only reason it felt that way was because someone else had made her laugh.

"Are you still in collage?"

"No. I graduated early," There was a pause as Jaehee smiled.

"I did too. I have a friend that's still in collage. He's actually around your age but he plays games all day. He's a sweet boy but he has to be a little more responsible with his school work," Jaehee was talking about Yoosung. Then he realized something, if Jaehee could be interested in this assitant then she could easily be interested in Yoosung too. He previously thought Yoosung was too young to even consider Jaehee to be interested in but obviosuly, he's not. "His name is Yoosung,"

"Which university is he going to?"


"Wow. That's a tough one. If he plays games all day, I wonder how he got in," Jaehee laughed at that.

"He was actually a workaholic in high school, as far as I heard, but he changed once he got to collage,"

"Sounds cool. Do you have his number?" Jumin was confused for a moment. Wasn't he supposed to be asking for her number and not Yoosung's?

"Yes. You can have it, if you'd like. Though he doesn't exactly like the strict type,"

"It's alright. I'm not really that strict," He said, laughing as Jaehre wrote down the number.

"I hope you hit it off," Jaehee said, saying bye to her new friend. Jumin was confused that he left without her number but brushed it off as Jaehee came back to his side. "What's wrong?" She asked. Why does she have to know him well and not just be like everyone else? Why can she read him like a book? Any other time, it'd be fine but now, it was considered an annoyance.

"I'm just getting selfish is all," He said. By the way Jaehee looked at him, he knew she didn't know what he exactly meant. "What? Stop looking at me like that,"

"I just don't know what you're being selfish about. You've been well behaved and haven't even talked to anyone. How could you be selfish?" Jumin almost groaned at her blindness. It was a pity she doesn't pick up on his little crush but also a blessing.

"Anyways," He said, trying to steer the conversation. "Who was that? The assistant you were talking to,"

"His name is Haneul. He seems very interested in Yoosung,"

"Isn't he supposed to be interested in you?" Jumin asked and was surprised when Jaehee gave a small laugh.

"Mr. Han, he's gay," Jaehee laughed again and Jumin felt embarrassed. "Even if he was interested, I'm already married,"

"I wasn't aware of that,"

"Knock it off. You know what I mean. I'm married to work," Jaehee said. Some of the negative emotions that he felt earlier had subsided but he still felt lingering effects. Am I really forever going to be selfish with her?... How childish... He scolded himself, knowing that nobody else would do it for him.

A/N: I didn't know how to end it so have this shitty wrap up

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