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Jisu felt her heart beating fast, almost as if it was trying to jump out of her throat. She held the flashcards in her hand, looking over them and trying to make sure they were in order. It really would've helped if I numbered them... I'm so stupid... Jisu thought. She was to meet Gyeong at a video game competition, him saying he needed her with him to be able to beat anyone. There was a warmup where you had to play Legend of Zelda but after that, the games will begin. She hasn't even gotten there and she was already nervous.

"Jisu!" Gyeong shouted in front of a building that she assumed was where he wanted her to meet him. She ran the rest of the way, stopping right in front of him. He looked at her quizically before speaking. "What's with the cards? Those aren't cheat codes, right?" He leaned in closer to whisper. "I won't tell if you won't tell. Though, why do I always beat you if you know cheats?"  Jisu shook her head at him and rolled her eyes.

"No, I just need to tell you something and it's my way of not messing up," Jisu said and Gyeong laughed.

"You aren't dying, are you?"

"No! I'm not dying! Nobody's dying... Well I guess somebody is what with somebody dying every six seconds but it's not me or our friends! As far as I know..." Jisu said, beginning to ramble before Gyeong made her stop talking.

"Then what's it for?" Gyeong asked and before Jisu could respond, he took it from her.


"Will you go out with me?" Gyeong read off the card and smiled at her.

"D...Did you just read off my cards?"

"Or maybe I just asked on my own accord," Gyeong said, causing Jisu to form a blush that went from her head to her toes.

"You're teasing me.... right?" Jisu asked, fully convinced this was a dream.

"Nope. If you accept a date with me, you may be rewarded!"

"Is you in a dress really a reward?"

"That was one time... twice.... three times but that's not the point," He said before continuing. "Also, you could get a taste of my lip balm if you go on a date with me in a dress,"

"Well that's a way to say you'd kiss me,"

"Hey! You were the one with the flashcards," Gyeong said with a smile and Jisu laughed.

"Okay. But first, I have a teammate to carry through a competition," Jisu said.

"That's an insult,"

A/N: This was a request by Shipper6145. They ship Gyeong x Jisu so badly and asked for a chapter of them going from friends to lovers. I hope I've satisfied you a little.

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