Happy Areum

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Honestly I can see this being Areum's song.

I know this is new information, but I had this thought that Areum remembers the resets but I remembered she was my character so she remembers resets. She knows the MC resets. She knows that MC sometimes resets and makes her disappear and she knows the next MC resets. Especially paying attention when next MC helped her brother through his crisis and through his metal shit and everything else and then just made the world reset so Jeaki started all over again, without that much help this time.

So this song relates to her because she sometimes just puts on this happy fucking persona and it only falters around Jeaki because he's seen her like this before. Of course, shes almost always happy but sometimes, the weight of what she knows and not knowing if she's the only one that knows resets is soul crushing. Anyways have this shit. Sorry if I'm making you guys sad over these people.

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