I Love You

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Jumin never thought he'd get a crush on his assistant but here he is, fantasizing about a relationship that will never happen. Jaehee was across the room, talking to someone of high power and taking charge herself. She acted like the boss and Jumin never thought he'd fall in love with someone who had an attitude like that.

He felt a smile slowly make its way on his face as he stared at her. He thought about everything and everything he wanted to do. He wanted to hold her hand, he wanted to kiss her, he wanted to hold her. He wanted to be able to love her without restrictions but it seemed that the universe did not want that.

Jaehee was a woman that told anybody to go away if they were to hit on her. He's seen that happen multiple times. He loved fantasizing about a relationship but it only made his love grow more and his heart grow lonely.


"And, as you know, we have to go to a meeting with the HIN Association," Jaehee finished over the phone. Jumin was looking all over the house for a pen his father had given him and let out a light groan before answering her.

"Yes, I know. Hey, do you want to help me with something?"

"Do I have a choice?" She asked. Technically speaking, yes.

"I need you to help me find my father's pen. I'll reward you if you find it," Jumin said and Jaehee sighed from the other line.

"I get to choose the reward," Jaehee responded and Jumin gave a small laugh.

"You can't have a vacation. We have too much going on,"

"I know that. Who do you think plans everything for you?" She said, not looking for an answer. "I'll be there in a few minutes," She said and Jumin smiled.

"Okay. Love you," Jumin said without thinking and froze, a blush taking over his face. Jaehee seemed to be just as shocked seeing as she hasn't hung up but hasn't said anything either. "Ignore that,"

"As you wish," Jaehee said before hanging up. Jumin's heart was pounding in his chest as he put his phone back in his pocket. He can't believe he said that to her. It was true but he can't just blurt it out because his mind was already jumbled. It hurt a little that she didn't say anything back but he shook it off. He didn't expect her to. His phone vibrated in his pocket, notifying him of a text.

Love you too

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now