Sims Pets

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This is Jeaki's dog, Shakira II! So far, Jeaki is her best friend and Areum and her hate each other

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This is Jeaki's dog, Shakira II! So far, Jeaki is her best friend and Areum and her hate each other. Idk why Areum and Shakira II have beef but they honestly just freaking hate each other. Jeaki loves her to death though (both of them, tbh) so he's just like "try to get along!". I didn't make Areum dislike pets so I'm like "what gives, Areum?". Also, Shakira II seems to be getting along with Elizabeth III. That's especially nice because Shakira is a dog and Elizabeth is a cat. Lol, one time Jeaki scolded Shakira and Shakira literally was like "I don't have any friends anymore..." But Jeaki was like "No, baby! I'm so sorry!" And began loving on her and hugging her and petting her an playing with her. He's Shakira's bitch.

Anyways, that's all for now!

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