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Jaehee felt paws kneed her body as she slept, disturbing her into waking up. She groaned quietly as she knew Elizabeth the 3rd wanted her to wake up.

"Elizabeth 3rd wants her mommy," Jumin grumbled, still half asleep beside her and Jaehee rolled her eyes at him.

"Maybe Elizabeth wants her daddy instead," Jaehee muttered as she got out of bed and held the cat for a second before putting more food in the food bowl that was way too luxurious for a cat. "Elizabeth, food is in your bowl," Jaehee said, making the cat skip happily to her feet before eating what was in front of her. Jaehee smiled at that. Jaehee had grown more tolerable for her as she was dating her boss and where Jumin goes, so does Elizabeth. The cat hair was still a problem but Jaehee found a way to deal with it.


Jaehee felt envious of Jumin, mostly because he could still sleep in and Jaehee was woken up by Elizabeth the 3rd that morning. Jaehee couldn't decide whether that was laughable or not as she went back in the room and began to get dressed for the day. As she was pulling on jeans, she almost screamed as arms wrapped around her in a hug.

"You bastard, you scared me,"

"It was your own fault," Jaehee was about to ask him how before he continued. "I'm the only other person in the room. You should use those clues next time," Jaehee could almost hear the teasing smile he had on his face.

"I hate you,"

"Says the woman who said she loved me just yesterday," Jaehee was about to respond until Jumin let out a small 'ow' and looked down to see Elizabeth the 3rd clawing at his legs. He smiled and picked her up, finally letting Jaehee finish getting dressed. "Aw, is my Elizabeth getting jealous?" The white cat pured as he started petting her. Jaehee smiled at the sight before grabbing a shirt from the closet. "Don't worry, I love you too," Jumin said to Elizabeth and Jaehee had to repress a giggle at how affectionate he is to her.

"She's so spoiled,"

"Don't act like you aren't,"

"Spoiled? I am not that," Jaehee said, moving onto pulling her shoes on. "At least I can last without attention for an hour,"

"You are offensive," Jumin said with fake offense covering his tone.

"You should've shut your big mouth then," Jaehee said as she left the room. Jumin waited a moment before looking down at Elizabeth the 3rd again.

"I still don't know who she was talking about with the attention thing," Jumin said and Elizabeth rested her paws on his chest to reach his face, nuzzling it and giving it a couple licks, making Jumin grin at her actions. "Oh gosh. You're such a beautiful cat," Jumin said, smiling at her as if she had just been awarded the key to the city. "Come on. Jaehee is waiting,"

"You need to get changed first! You need to remember that you can't wear the same clothes!" Jaehee yelled from the other room. Jumin smiled to himself. He has a loving girlfriend and a loving cat. What more could a man ask for?

A/N: Domestic Jumin/Jaehee + Elizabeth? Yes!

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