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A/N: This is based on a roleplay that I'm doing with a friend. Idk if they want me to say who they are but this is a chapter inspired by it. Jumin and Jaehee are in highschool. Jumin is a girl and Jaehee is a boy.

"Jaehee, I got-" Jumin stopped mid sentence as she walked across the field, seeing a sleeping Jaehee on one of the benches. Jumin rolled her eyes since he knew she'd be coming back but stopped being annoyed for a moment as she caught sight of his sketchbook. He's drawn her one other time, she knows that, but what else has he drawn? He was embarrassed when she asked to see but she really liked the first drawing he did of her. She decided to pick up the sketchbook and flip through it from the first page. There were drawings of Zen (who Jumin supposed was his girlfriend, she really hasn't asked), animals, plants and random objects. All of those were before he met her, she knew that because she hadn't ran into the drawing he drew in Chemistry he did. As she went further into the sketchbook, she saw those drawings fading and more drawings of her appearing. She thought he only drew her once, when she posed for him, but she saw he drew her many other times before. One drawing was her looking at the front of the class with a slight frown and her head resting in her hand. Another was of her laying her head on her desk, her hair everywhere and smiling up at him. She didn't even know he was drawing her then, how did he do that? She went deeper and saw even more that he never told her about.

So this is why he got so protective over this thing... She thought as she flipped through it. In all those pages, she saw maybe three of them were either Zen or a random item. She started to wonder if she had become too much a part of his life or if he's drawing her because he wants to. She doubted it because she didn't think she was much of a subject to put actual concentration on. Her thoughts stopped midway as she saw Jaehee start to wake up. She froze with the book in hand and her eyes wide. Will he hate me? He opened his eyes and froze too, noticing what she exactly had. He grabbed it gently from her and closed it, not even looking at where she was at in the book.

"How much did you see?" Jumin didn't know what she should say. She could lie and give him some peace of mind or she could tell the truth and not know what would happen.

"Um.... All I saw was random drawings. Like Zen and plants, animals and stuff like that," Jumin said. She didn't want to face an unknown conciquence to her truthful words so she did the next best thing: Tell a lie with a small truth.


"Yes. Also, I am very offended you fell asleep. You knew I was going to come back," She complained, trying to change his train of thought as fast as she could.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really tired,"

"Do you not get enough sleep? You need to go to sleep or your performance in school will falter," She scolded. He laughed as she shook her head at him.

"I don't get enough sleep because I'm studying,"

"Well, start studying at school and sleeping at home," Jumin said as she stood from having knelt on her knees. "Now come on, you can't stay on this bench forever, at least not while I'm on the grass,"

"You could literally sit down right now and you have nothing stopping you,"

"Shut your mouth and follow me," Jumin said as Jaehee smiled. She truly did wonder if he drew her because he wanted to or not but she decided to not think about it anymore. She knew she'd pick the answer that would displease her the most. After all, her thoughts were always to not get your hopes up.

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now