Sims pets

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Areum and Jeaki had a birthday together! Ready to meet teenage Jeaki and Areum?

Areum and Jeaki had a birthday together! Ready to meet teenage Jeaki and Areum?

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Areum seems to have adopted her mother's hairstyle

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Areum seems to have adopted her mother's hairstyle. Here's what they dress in.

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This is only thier everyday wear but I don't think you'd like to see every outfit

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This is only thier everyday wear but I don't think you'd like to see every outfit... That is unless you guys say so. Anyways, wanna see how I made thier rooms look?

 Anyways, wanna see how I made thier rooms look?

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I know. It's obvious who's who's. I wanted to keep the bear (who they named Tyra) because it belongs to both of them but Jeaki has it in his room because it fits his decor. Also, I haven't told you guys, but Elizabeth is Jeaki's best friend, I swear to God! They took a liking to each other immediately.

Anyways, here's what thier personalities look like now.

Anyways, here's what thier personalities look like now

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And lastly, for thier birthday, should I get one or both of them a pet?

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And lastly, for thier birthday, should I get one or both of them a pet?

If so, who should have what pet? The choices are a cat, dog or fish. Should I not get them a pet at all? Is the room decoration enough?

Anyways that is all.

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now