Denied Because of Fear

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So far, all Jumin could use to describe both his and Jaehee's work ethic was... poor. In all the years of his life, he never thought that he'd show such ill performance in the company because of a woman. He had his everyday thoughts on the same woman that plauged his everyday life. She probably didn't think he still thought about that small 'confession', If you could call it that.

Jaehee had accidentally confessed any and all feelings she had felt for him but, in turn, he denied her. He knew he felt for her, of course he did, but he couldn't trust that she'd truly love him. He knows Jaehee doesn't want anything to do with his title or money (except for getting paid). He knows she'd love him but it was fear that overtook his words and body at that moment.

The fear that other women had planted into his mind. The fear that he would loose her in some way or another. The fear that maybe it was all an elaborate joke. The fear that she doesn't really love him, in short.

Jaehee had been just as clumsy as he had been around the office after her confession. Others had wondered what happened but neither one explained why they're in such a state. The worst part? Nothing changed between them. What's infuriating about that? It seemed they had a closeness he just noticed. Whenever she spilled her coffee on herself, he was already going to get something or, if it was big, he'd already be giving her his overcoat. If he hasn't been taking care of himself, Jaehee had been the one to give him food or tell him he should sleep and vise versa.

It was infuriating how he was in the habit of taking care of her through these types of things and how she would care back. It was also strange how old habits die hard because Jumin found himself collapsed on the same bed as her more than once. They were tired, yes, and they've done that a lot but it was so unprofessional and yet, he made no move to stop it. It was always Elizabeth III that woke him up. It wasn't like they cuddled each other when they would but it was way too close for what they were supposed to be.

He knew he loved her, yes, but how did he love her? Like friends? Okay, he knows it surpasses any friendships he has. Like family? Closer but not exactly it. Like a lover? Maybe... maybe that's a little over. Then what is it?!

It wasn't supposed to be this difficult with Jaehee. How dare V come in and convince him to hire her?! He never thought it would make him question his and Jaehee's relationship later on! He sat on his bed, letting the mattress take all his weight. He stared at nothing before sighing and taking out his phone. Who in RFA is most experienced in love?

Zen... Of course.... Jumin dialed his number, wondering when was the last time he called him. He was thankful Zen picked up and let out a small sigh of relief.

"Hello? What is it?"

"I have a question,"

"You could've just texted,"

"I know but... I just want to know.. What do I feel for Jaehee Kang?" There was silence before Zen spoke again.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I... I feel something and I don't know but if I think about her, my chest tightens and I feel like I'm burning without really being on fire, even on the inside. I know she's not a friend, I know she's not like family but she's not exactly like a lover so I don't know what it is. You're the only one who's had a girlfriend in the last 5 years, so you would know how it feels to love something. Do you know what I feel?" Jumin stayed silent just as Zen did. Jumin didn't say anything, letting Zen process what he was trying to say.

"... Jumin... You already know what it is. If you're comparing her to a girlfriend, you already know,"

"Zen, please, I don't understand," Jumin said, desperately looking for answers to his predicament. Jaehee couldn't make him feel like this forever, could she?

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