Learning pt.2

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Jaehee wasn't expecting anyone to ask her to dance but when Jumin and her entered the grand, fancy party, she was already asked three times to dance. She declined them all, still too embarrassed to show what she learned while dancing with her boss. Jumin noticed this and gave her a curious look before speaking.

"Why aren't you dancing?" He whispered in her ear so nobody heard if she didn't want anybody to.

"I don't want to embarrass myself. They all look like they know more than I do," Jaehee said and Jumin hummed in thought.

"Do you think I didn't do well with teaching you?"

"No! It's not that!" Jaehee said quickly. She didn't want Jumin thinking he did a terrible job or anything. "I guess I just have a fear of messing up," She said with a smile.

"Well, that much was obvious," He said. Jaehee didn't expect that reply but still remained silent in case he had anything more to say. "But I want you to get out there. Can you do that for me? Just one dance would be good," He said in a gentle voice that Jaehee never heard. It was almost as if he was talking to a frightened child.

"I don't know..." Jaehee said and Jumin was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"If I dance with you, will that break the ice? It's probably like a cold swimming pool. Sometimes you really don't want to jump in, all you want to do is slowly make your way inside and get used to it," Jumin said, getting up from his seat and offering her his hand. She was still nervous but he was the one she learned with. It'd be better, she reasoned. She took his hand, letting him lead her to where everyone was dancing. "Remember what I told you? You're really tense. Relax a little bit and try not to be nervous. It's just me," He said as he positioned himself, expecting Jaehee to do the same. She did and he smiled at her. "See? You're doing fine," He said as he started to count, taking the lead as Jaehee tried her best to follow.

"Oh God," She said as she tried her best to look at him and not at her feet but she kept finding herself looking down. Jumin let out a quiet laugh.

"You're okay. We've just started. You haven't messed up yet, I promise these are not empty words," He said. Jaehee took a deep, shakey breath. She was still doubting herself and Jumin really couldn't stand that. "You've been doing great so far. You haven't even stepped on my feet yet. Amazing," He said. Jaehee couldn't help but feel a bit of pride but still kept quiet. "Jaehee," Jumin felt her tighten her grip on his clothing. He wasn't sure why she did that but he guessed it was because he said her name. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine,"

"Will you look at me? I think you can manage that. I haven't had a complaint for a while. You're doing fantastic and I'm proud," Jumin said. Jaehee couldn't help but smile at that last sentence and pulled him a bit closer. "A hug? Is that what this is?"

"Shut up. I'm happy," She didn't know why she got a boost of happiness from his praise or why she wanted him closer because he said it. All she knew is that she wanted more of it. "I can,"

"What can you do? Finish your sentences," She didn't have to as she looked up at him. He was surprised to see a smile but he smiled back. "Ah, there's that smile. I love it," Jaehee blushed at that but smiled even more. Jumin realized she absolutely loves praise and began giving it any chance he got throughout the dance; For the simplest things too. He noticed that every time he did, Jaehee made her grip a little stronger. He backed away only to give her a twirl and he smiled when she knew exactly what he wanted her to do. "You're very good at this," He said before giving her a bow, letting her know it was the end of the song.

"Thank you," She said. "I want to sit down now. I'm tired," She said. He smiled, taking her hand into his.

"Well, our seats are still there," He said before making his way to the table, Jaehee in tow. After that, Jaehee did get invitations to dance. Only a select few she agreed but she declined most of them. Jumin was curious as he watched her dance with a man that she didn't look like she was having fun with. Once she came back, he asked her a question. "Why are you only dancing with a few,"

"I'm only dancing with the amount of people that you dance with too," Jumin didn't really like dancing but he went into a strategic pattern so he doesn't decline too many or take too many, which would ruin his reputation on both ends. His pattern was take three, decline five. It was a nice pattern but he just realized Jaehee was following him with that. "I don't exactly want to dance with someone who I'm not comfortable with but I have no choice here. Sorry, I had adopted your pattern without asking,"

"It's okay," He said, smiling at her. "If I can do it, so can you,"

A/N: The weird thing is that I had made Jaehee have somewhat of a praise kink in the middle there. Oh well, she has that now. Whatever. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! ananimeaddict had been the one to comment to continue but maybe she just was saying continue having ideas but idk. I did it anyways.

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