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I missed her so much... Jumin thought as he sat on the plane. The last business meeting was leaving him... Frustrated, to say the least. He was almost to Korea, fully expecting Jaehee to meet him.

Would I even have the patience to get home first? He thought about being so impatient to where he wouldn't mind fucking her in the bathroom but dismissed that thought. He could control himself... Sometimes.

This thought process isn't helping me... Jumin kept thinking of how Jaehee looked under him. He kept thinking of the sounds she made. Her whimpers, gasps and moans. It made his outward reaction undesirable at the moment. He was sitting in the fucking plane for God's sake and he already had a problem.

Though... Would she let me do everything I wanted today? That didn't help him either. Jaehee did let him do things he wanted within reason, yes, but when she wanted to do things to HIM. A dominant woman was surprisingly hot... was it wrong to think this way? Yes. On a plane where said woman wasn't present, yes it was wrong. It'd be different if Jaehee was here, that way he could get her as riled up as he was right now.

Fuck, I'm not helping myself! He wanted to tease her and make her beg. He really needed her right now and he couldn't trust himself anymore to be patient. The plane was landing in a moment but he was still thinking of everything. He was thinking about how good she felt when he was inside or how talented she was with her mouth. He thought about how she could make him cum in his pants if she wanted to. He thought about how much more aroused she got when he blindfolded her or tied her up, taking away one or two of her senses.


I can't believe I did this to myself... He thought as got off the plane and didn't see Jaehee greet him but....

"Hello, Mr. Han, it's time to go now," The General Manager greeted him. Jumin could've groaned as he looked around for Jaehee only to not see her anywhere. You have got to be kidding me...

"Where is my assistant?" Jumin asked and the General Manager laughed.

"She had to run an errand. Instead, you got me," He said. The one time... The one fucking time...

"Okay. I assume she won't be here for a while,"

"No. We can't wait, you have to go home," The General Manager said. Jumin really didn't want to wait or go home without her. If he had it his way, she'd be here right now instead of this man.

"Fine. I want to sleep anyways," Jumin said even if he knew he wouldn't be getting much sleep. This turn of events was a real slap in the face to him. His girlfriend didn't even show up and he still. Wanted. Her. It didn't matter that he saw someone else right now, his body still needed her. He followed the man to where Driver Kim was parked and thanked him before climbing into the vehicle.

"So, how was your flight?" Driver Kim asked.

"It was... Less than desirable," Jumin responded. Jaehee was in for something that she wasn't even prepared for. He made it a promise that she'd feel it every time she walked.

A/N: I have nothing to say for myself, I'm sorry! It was inspired by this post on Tumblr and a chatroom.

A/N: I have nothing to say for myself, I'm sorry! It was inspired by this post on Tumblr and a chatroom

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To see the full post, go to Seanlocked Tumblr page. She's a shipper too and she does post things about them, go check that out! While you're at it, go ahead and check out the Tumblr Punyfry. I highly recommend those two tumblrs for Jumin x Jaehee content. Anyways, thats all. See ya!

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