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Headcanon: Sometimes, if Jumin doesn't want to go on a date with someone he's forced to, he takes Jaehee with him and she has the job of making him look as bad as possible so the woman doesn't want another date with him.

Ex: Jaehee interrupts every advance the woman makes. Jaehee calls Jumin secretly so he has an excuse to leave if he gives her that secret que to. Jaehee makes a romantic advance herself (to Jumin or the woman, it doesn't really matter to him).

She just is the opposite of a wing woman the whole time because Jumin wanted her to be. She, of course, stays within boundaries and makes him just sufferable enough to not ruin his reputation but still. Jaehee does the job of getting the woman to not want another date.

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now