More Facts

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-Areum has her older brother, Jeaki and younger sister, Elizabeth III. Yes, it's the cat.

-Jeaki has his younger sisters, Areum and Elizabeth III.

-Gyeong has two older sisters.

-Laon is an only child (though he counts Gyeong as his brother).

-Jisu has a older sister.

-Eunha has a younger brother.

-Iseul is an only child. (Laon and him could seriously get along).

The only reason they're the only children in the RFA is because joining is a choice and you have to be at least 13 to join because of what happened with MC. 5 year olds would cry if a bomb threat happened again.

Living situations:

-Areum lives in a college dorm.

-Jeaki has his own house. It's more of a mansion but let's not talk about specifics.

-Jisu lives in a college dorm. It's a different college than Areum, sadly. It's still a good college though.

-Eunha lives in an apartment. She didn't need much. She's a simple woman.

-Gyeong lives in his own house. It's like a house you see in the movies with a picket fence except heightened security. He still a hacker.

-Laon lives with Gyeong because why not? There's like 5 bedrooms he might as well take one.

-Iseul lives in a small studio apartment. He literally doesn't see the need for a lot. Until he meets the 'soulmate' his mother told him about.


-Areum is Pansexual

-Jeaki is Demisexual

-Jisu is Bisexual

-Eunha is a lesbian

-Gyeong would date anyone. He'd date a fuckin cat if he wanted to. Nothing is stopping him. He loves everything.

- Laon is heterosexual

-Isuel is just waiting for his attraction to kick in. As far as he knows, he's asexual and aromantic. Though, when he finds Areum, he starts getting confused.

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