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Jaehee stared at Jumin, his body shaking in fear as he stared at her. It's almost as if he can't believe she'd do such a thing to another person. Jaehee felt tears rolling down her face, heart pounding in her ears.

It wasn't do to the fact she's been killing people. It wasn't even the fact Jumin saw her. It was the fact Jumin would never love her now. It was the fact Jumin and her could not live a life together, like she wanted.

"I've been caught..." Jaehee whispered under her breath, her voice shaking. "Mr. Han... I can explain..."


It began almost naturally. Jumin and her had always been together, feelings were bound or happen on either one of thier parts.

She knew if she told anyone her feelings, nobody would understand or care. Jaehee was just an assistant, she was not to have affection of any kind for Jumin. She had been so close to him all the time, both physically and emotionally.

She'd catch herself staring at him most times, watching him as he typed away in the messenger. She, of course, was on it too but nothing usually was enough for her to comment on. Jumin, however, saw the messenger as where most his family is. She was always following him, but it was never saw as anything bad since she was his assistant. Jaehee was given the opportunity to admire him from afar without ever having to leave his side. She was his shadow, it seemed and yet she never minded. His side was where her home was.


Jaehee never expected Jumin to yell at her. Even if she was covered in someone else's blood, it seemed he was not afraid of her. Though, when she started crying, Jumin ceased to yell and just stared at her.

"Why are you mad? It's my job to protect you! None of these women would've loved you correctly... I had to make them get away from you," Jaehee said through her tears. It was her job to protect him, wasn't it? She could never imagine losing him up to them. They were all irrelevant to him. They never mattered. Jumin was the only man she was meant to stay by.

"I'm yours.. You're the only one I'm ever going to love!"


Jaehee could sense that red string connected her and Jumin. It was almost a fairy tale, but the red string of fate was true in her mind. Jumin is who she's to stay with. She knows all his secrets, even all the passwords to his accounts and important things.

This was something that made her heart flutter because he trusted her so much. It was also how she executed the first woman. They had contacted Mr. Han through e-mail and, since Jaehee was already on there, she supposed she'd answer it.

Mr. Jumin Han,

I was wondering if you'd like to go out to the beach with me. I will be bringing my dog. I hope you accept my offer.

Signed, X (lazy author).

Jaehee knew he wouldn't accept anyways but that did not stop the flood of rage she felt at that woman for even contacting Jumin with such intentions. The fury that raged that she even considered she'd be able to love him the way he wants.

Jaehee smiled before sending an e-mail to the woman.

Miss. X,

I'm happy you've contacted me but, before we go, I'd like to have a word with you.

I would like you to meet me at the corner of Wrute Rd.

My assistant will accompany you to where I am but she will leave just as soon.

Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now