Chapter 01

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{Normani Kordei}

W h y the fuck did I come to class today?

I was on the brink of losing it; I didn’t even know why I was in this class.

Like, why the hell is art a requirement anyway?

It was the first week at a new school and I still hadn’t made any friends, my parents thought moving to Miami would be a fresh new move, leaving the south and trying something new, and I kind of hated it.

I was too damn warm all the time, everyone has established friendships, everyone is in freaking cliques and there is no way I’m fighting my way into some circle just for the queen bee to hate my guts for it.

I felt like a total loser.

I had all of my friends back home, we still texted and called, but now, there’s a time difference and it’s getting harder to talk to each other. I’m not going to say that I was popular back home, but I had a decent amount of friends that shared the same interest as me and I had something to talk about, I’m pretty sure I had nothing in common with kids.

I had been homeschooled my whole life, so when my mom finally makes me go to school with kids, I’m not too sure how to speak to kids. These aren’t my usual dance kids, where I can just tell them I learned a dance to “Drunk in Love” by Beyoncé, I couldn’t do that here.

These we’re not those kids.

These were hipsters and edgy rock star chicks who gave you dirty look when you had the right answer to a question, who wore spikes on their V-Neck tops and skirts that were short in the front then would flow on the floor in the back.

In all honesty, they scared the hell out of me, these girls.

The boys were even worse; on my first day they would either stare me down until I looked away or would make really quiet comments behind me and then would start laughing loud and wildly. Maybe it was because I dressed different, maybe it was my skin tone, I didn’t know. All I know is that it’s not fun being the butt of everyone’s jokes.

I know I was little different than the others, I didn’t wear the same clothes just basic jean shorts and pretty tops and some Nikes, but here it was like everyone walked a fucking runway; everyone is in maxi skirts and high heels, and thigh high boots and I just feel like no one has time for that. 

 The classes here at Miami high were also really basic, since I had been homeschooled I was at a senior level stuck in junior classes, if anything, I could have my high school diploma but my dad had said “It will be good for you to go to school and meet kids your own age.”

No thank you dad.

I wasn’t really mad about moving, I was madder at the fact that no one seemed to like me and the fact that I couldn’t make any friends.

A lot of times I would skip class, going into the library, instead of dealing with everyone there was a table in the back right next to the charger so I could plug up my phone and my laptop to let them charge and it was secluded from the rest of the library, it wasn’t sound proof but it was enough, I could play my music out loud and dance or stretch until the final bell rang.

I made it halfway through the day making it until lunchtime until I realized how much I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to spend my time learning a new dance that Dejan Tubic posted on YouTube the other day so I grabbed my bag from my locker and headed to the library.

I headed back to my little spot in the back, but as I rounded the corner though, I could hear little giggles, which was weird, it’s a library, there should be no talking, and my place is always silent, you can never hear anything. I slowed my steps peeking through one of the book cases, but I couldn’t see anything, not really.

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