Chapter 05

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I  was walking into the gym with Dinah Jane, she and I actually had a lot in common, she wasn’t  Miami born -which is what she calls them- she likes to dance and listens to Beyoncé just as much as me. She held her head up high and went with everything she did, even when she was wrong. It was really nice to feel like I had someone on my side for a change.

Since I had spent most of my time talking to Dinah Jane in the change rooms instead of actually changing, we both ended up being the last people in the gym, when Mr. Villa saw me he smiled.

“I was just about to mark you absent, Kordei! Took you long enough!”

I smiled at my teacher and rolled my eyes “Sorry! I got distracted!”

Dinah smirks at Villa, “Sorry, too much Beyoncé talk!”

Villa just raised his eyebrows then went back to taking attendance.

Dinah sat a couple rows in front of me so she waved and sat down, then I continued walking back to my seat, but something stopped me.

There was Camzi, sitting down on the gym floor her head in a book, she wore her hair back in a ponytail and was smiling down at the pages, and her cheeks were pink as she took her bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling on it just a little bit.

“Reading in gym class, Camzi?” I said smirking down at her “What a rebel you are,”

At that she looked up and blushed a little harder, making my smirk turn into a smile “I just can’t put this book down,”

Mr. Villa had already said he marked me present so I sat down beside her, “What book is it?”

Camzi smiled at showed me the book cover

“Oh. Bullshit. That book is bullshit.” I said pointing at it.

“What?” Camila gasp and I sit down in front of her “This book is so amazing,”

I shake my head “The ending is fucking awful, just wait until you get there.”

“The ending doesn’t matter, this book is prefect.”

I laughed even though it wasn’t funny “This book is such bullshit and everyone thinks John Green is amazing writer because of this book and some of his others but it’s not good. It’s got some awesome quotes in there but come on, it is such bullshit.”

The Fault in our Stars is amazing.”

“It really isn’t just wait until you get to the end, how far into it are you?” I asked her, pulling my hair back from my face “such bullshit.”

“Hmmmm.” Camzi says and rolls her eyes “I guess we’ll see.”

“Why don’t you dance next to me today? We can talk more about the book and then I can tell you about a real awesome book.”

“Alright…” Camzi says a little shyly. “I will.”

“Wow, I didn’t expect you to read that.” Camzi says

“What? I can’t read The Host?” I ask her raises my eyebrows but smiling at the brown eyed girl.

She rolls her eyes “It’s not that, it’s just… doesn’t seem your style, I guess.”

I stare at her deep into her brown eyes “It’s because I’m black isn’t it?”

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