Chapter 38

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I feel like I should put a trigger warning on this chapter so here's your trigger warning. If you don't want to read send me a message and I'll summarize it for you.


"just jump. it doesn't matter. no one cares. just jump."

"to scared to jump? then take those pills then, your always staring at them. you know you want to take them just take them."

"how long do you think it will be until they see all those scars on your wrists? You can't hide them forever."

"I'm not hiding anything," I finally speak up looking around the empty black room "I have never hid them. they just never looked."

"bullshit," he says back "you know it's bullshit."

"shut up. you were gone. stay gone"

"Oh darling, I could never leave you for to long."


I woke up, my eyes shooting open and my heart racing. I could feel a mix of tears and sweat running down my face and to my ears. My whole body was hot and I could see why. Camila and Lauren were still beside me. Camila laid on my stomach a soft smile on her face, and Lauren laid on my shoulder her thick wavy hair covering her face. I couldn't even bare to look at them. I had to get out of here.

Slowly I pushed Lauren off my shoulder and onto one of my pillows so I could sit up straight then I softly touched Camila by her neck and the back of her head and moved her off of me and close to Lauren so I could sneak out of the bed. Camila followed my movements and wrapped herself around Lauren. when I realised they both still slept I got out of the bed, practically running out of the room. I closed the door behind me and took of to my kitchen. Once I reached the sink I gripped it with both hands and tired to breathe. I knew I just had a nightmare but like all the ones before I couldn't remember any of it.

I thought about calling my dad but I knew that if it was 3 o'clock in the morning here it had to be even later in LA so I didn't bother, I tired to breathe and relax but my heart was still going a mile a minute.

I walked through my dark house until I made it to the hearth room and grabbed my purse, pulling out an smoke pen and sliding down to the side of the sofa before sticking the pen in my mouth and taking a drag.

It had been so long since I had a nightmare, ever since I came to Miami I haven't had one and it's been fourth months. I took another drag.

It was my fault that I was having another nightmare, it had to be because I talked about it with Michael, my self conscious bringing it up. I shouldn't have talked about it, but looking at Michael with his soft green eyes and puffy cheeks I had to tell him things get better.

But I guess things don't get better.

I can still remember his eyes that could light up my world and make me smile, but I could also remember the way he would look at me, like I was pathetic and small. I remember his cruel words and the way-

Stop. stop it right now.

I needed to do something, I have to get this off my mind, I cannot and will not go back there.



"Lolo wake up,"

"Ugh whyyyy. let me rest." I groaned turning away and reaching out for Kordei, only to find an empty bed. My eyes peaked open and I turned to Camila.

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