Chapter 28

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I want to Apologize before you even read this chapter.


"W h a t is your damn game Zayn?" I snapped at him once the other two girls were gone. I looked up at Zayn, that stupid smirk on his face as he leaned over to the side coming closer to me and then backing away again.

"You know exactly what I want, Lauren and I won't stop until I get it." Zayn stands up straight then letting his body tower over mine and his small strides bring him over to me "But maybe I should try to get what I want from you, Ms. Feisty" his hand came to drape over my waist as he tried to pull me closer. I gasped and pushed him away.

"You are disgusting Zayn! Why can't you just leave us be?" I say turning and beginning to walk away from him. But before I could get to far he grabs at my hand and turns me back to face him forcefully making me cringe and smash into his chest. A gasp mixed with a groan espcaes my mouth as I try to pull away again but his grip only tightens on me.

"Why? It's so fun." He growles in my ear before letting me go, pushing me away from his body. I stumble backwards.

I had never been scared of anyone until I today. The pessure Zayn had appiled to my wrist was beginning to throb. I could feel it's pounding running as fast as my heart.

"You do not want to make me mad, Lauren. Stay out of way." I hear him say but I'm already turning. Running out of the lunchroom.


Camila: can a friend come over after school today?

Mom: why? Who is it?

Camila: a new friend named Normani Kordei, she's really nice. Can she come over???

Mom: is your room clean?

Camila: yes ma'am.

Mom: are your chores done?

Camila: Mom yes, I'll even clean up once I get home.

Mom: you better if you want company.

I sighed, my mom was always difficult about things like this. She always had some type of comment to make to make me feel bad about something. I tired to not let her words phase me. She practically said yes already I just had to make sure that I cleaned up the house. I knew my sister, Ariana was at home today because she didn't have to work so I sent her a text as well.

Camila: can you please clean up the house a little bit? I have a friend coming over. You don't have to do much but if you could help that'd be awesome.

My sister never really responded to my texts, or at least not right away. I had no idea if she would actually help me out. The thing was I always did things for Ariana but she never really did anything nice for me. Today was a day to turn in a favor.

I went through the rest of my classes thinking about what to do with Kordei, yes I had Lauren come over my house when we were the only two in the relationship but I let it be known that Lauren could not be touchy with me. I didn't want anyone to walk in on us and cause drama in my house.

It wouldn't just be drama. I knew it would be more than that if my mother ever found out I was in a relationship with a girl. She would probably kick me out and call me an abomination or something along those lines. It wasn't worth it.

Maybe one day I would tell my mom, but that day wasn't coming anytime soon.

So I let my mind wander until I had gym class with Kordei and could spend the gym time cuddling with her.

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