Chapter 34

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"A party? Another famous Malik party? Of course I'm down," I say smiling at Zayn. It had been a week since our whole fiasco and things were finally beginning to die down. Zayn and I had been spending a lot less time together and it was for the better, sometimes our conversations would drift off and we both knew it was because of his and Lauren's choices, in a huge way I still felt his betrayal like a hot branding iron running down my throat. It made it hard to speak to him and just as bad with Lauren. Even though Lauren had apologized to me about everything and promising me to always tell me when something is going on I still worried about it. In a way it was about not trusting Lauren and more about not trusting myself. I had been oblivious to everything happening around me. I should have noticed. Sometimes Lauren would speak to me even little things like how was your day? And I would ignore her.

But with Lauren we also had Camzi, our soft innocence who didn't know much of anything but had a big smile and loved us both dearly. She could take any tough situation and easily deflate it. Sometimes she would say things along hey guys let's watch a movie with lots of cuddles and halfway through the movie Lauren and I would be fine again. I could tell Camila was getting slightly stressed with us and our constant mistrust but she understood this was a work in progress.

Camila was also the one in the relationship that keep us laughing either when she was asking me in a very serious tone what does 'top or bottom'? Or can you pick me up some bananas before school please? I will smother your face with kisses if you do. And she was also the one who remembered to give me time and space. And I couldn't thank her enough for that.

"Yeah, this time my sisters will be there, by the way I only have three not four." Zayn says and playfully pushes my shoulder and I send him a smirk in return. Sometimes when I looked at Zayn I could still envision him laying in that hospital bed weak and tired and it made me shiver. Yes, he was beaten up for the right reason but that doesn't mean that's what should have happened to him.

"You can invite your girlfriends too, just like last time. Everyone is coming, Ashton and Dinah, Troy and Ally, Liam, Niall, the whole shindig.

I barked out a laugh and then rolled my eyes "Shindig? Really? Okay." I steal a French fry off his plate and place it in my mouth, since I had started school here I wondered when they add chicken wings to the menu and still no chicken wings

"Hey, what time is it?" I ask Zayn stealing more fries off his plate and he turns to his tattooed arm and looks at his watch.

"Ten minutes of lunch left, go see your girlfriends." He tells me with a soft smile.

I get up stealing more fries as I go, and then move close and Zayn's cologne fills my nose as I place a chaste kiss on his forehead.

"Thanks dude! See you!"

Zayn yells a goodbye as I leave the large lunchroom and make my way to the library.

Both girls are sitting down on the floor once I make my way inside our little space talking to each other quietly both girls are smiling but don't hear me come in. Quickly I take my phone out of my pocket as they slowly lean and press a soft kiss on each other's lips and it fills my heart with warmth.

As the kiss I come and sit behind Lauren, wrapping my arms her waist and kissing at her exposed neck. First, she stiffens in surprise then relaxes against me pulling Camila along with her and giggles fills the air.

I continue kissing at the back and the side of Lauren's neck as my hands travel under her shirt caressing her soft slim stomach. I push her back for more access and she kisses Camila her moans land in Camz' mouth.

"Fuck, Kordei," Lauren says when she pulls away from Camila's mouth and arches her back and I pull her closer. Letting one hand fall down to her leggings rubbing her inner thigh and letting one slip up further to the bottom of her bra.

The heat in the room began to soar and Camila flipped her hair back and stalked to Lauren crawling on all fours, I could feel my self heating up between my legs.

Camila looked at me with her chocolate eyes before leaning up on her knees, grabbing my head and pulling my mouth from Lauren's skin and pressing her lips to mine.

Explosions fill and my eyes flutter closed and a hand comes up to her neck, keeping her close to me and her hand touches my bare thigh.

"Fuck," Lauren says and break the kiss to look down at her watching us, her eyes dilated, glassy, and gray instead of the usual green. The closer I look down at her she's grabbing at her breast, and Camila's as well.

Camila's mouth is parted and she slowly let's out a whine. And it makes me smirk and I place a kiss on her neck.

"We're in school," she says softly barely audible.

"Do you want us to stop?" Lauren asks rising up a little kissing up Camila's neck.

"I want this..." She says slowly, "but not here, not right now." and Lauren pulls off her neck and we're both looking into Camila's eyes.

"You mean..?" I question, waiting for her to finish for me.

"I want this, with both of you." She says smiling and Lauren and I smile back "I'm ready."

At first the air became silent and I think Lauren and I were thinking the same thing.




"CAMZ!" Lauren yells breaking the silence and pronounces on Camila, Camila let's out a yelp of surprise and then falls against Lauren's weight.

I through myself on top of Lauren, and moving so were both pressing kisses along all the lines of Camila's face. Her forehead, her cheeks, her lips, and her nose. My mouth rubs against Lauren's as well. We were frantic and excited.

But Lauren and I had wanted this from the beginning and now we were about to have it? It seemed surreal.

"Guys! No! Stop before I change my mind!" Camila yells against up

Instantly we shot away from her falling up against each other, Lauren in my arms I wrapped myself around her. Lauren laughs and claps her hands wildly before she takes my legs and wraps them around her and we hold each other close as Camila gets up and rubs at her face.

"Slobber! Gross guys!" She says

"Bullshit!" Lauren and I respond with at the same time making us laugh more.

These were the moments I lived for, when it was just the three of us laughing together and having a good time, the outside world and the lies far far away. I wanted us to be like this forever.

Camila comes over to us and wraps herself around Lauren and I, it just seems like such a little girl shouldn't be able to hold us so well but she could.

"I really want this for the three of us, I don't want my first to be with anyone else," she says and presses a kiss to my cheek and then Lauren's.

"Everything is going to be perfect," Lauren says pressing her lips to Camila's and she smiles.

"I know, it's gonna be perfect because it will be with you two,"


So.... I lied. How do you guys feel about a few more chapters? :)

Special thanks to Joi aka my birthday buddy who gave me the ideas for what to do next, without talking to you I would still be stuck with writers block.

But seriously, more chapters are coming, thank Joi for that. :)


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