Chapter 48

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(Happy reading!) 

{K o r d e i}


Lately, things have been completely blissful. Filled with time with Camila and Lauren the three of us all getting along even Camila’s mother had invited Lauren and I over multiple times since our dinner a couple weeks ago and I was grateful, I liked coming over and I knew Lauren did too. Nothing was like when the three of us all hung out together wrapped up in each other laying on the couch watching Teen Wolf season two because Camila thinks it’s the best (even though Lauren and I both favor season one but whatever.) Lauren and I both could also help Camila with her school work so she wouldn’t fall behind anymore and she had even gotten a better score on a math test than me (I may have been a little busy because I was distracting Lauren the whole time but you know whatever,) Nothing was better than the look on my girlfriend’s face when she saw she got five more points than me.

Everything about Camila, Lauren, and I was playful now and we deserved it. When we had first gotten together there had been horrible secrets, conflicts and questions about who loved each other and heartbeats but now we were finally in a good place. In such a good place Ms. Cabello’s phone number was on my speed dial.

I think she knew about us, even though we never kissed in front of her or did anything to touchy feely and I think she could tell and quietly accepted it. And even if she did it she didn’t say anything outright about her displeasure towards it. When Lauren and I talked to Camila about it she only said “I shouldn’t have to come out anyway, I should be able to say ‘mom my girlfriends are coming over’ and she should be like ‘kay’ there shouldn’t ever be so dramatic”.

“Didn’t you once want dramatic?” Lauren asked playfully and seriously and Camila nodded.

“I did, but after a while, I realized I just wanted to make a statement to her. I wanted to say who I was because I felt like she didn’t understand me. But now I know she does and I don’t have to anymore.”

Lauren and I had both leaned in to kiss Camila and bumped heads on the way.

And that’s who we are, the way we are with each other and I couldn’t be happier than I was right now.

When I think back to the first few chapters of our love story I can see my doubt so clearly and I and I almost can’t believe I thought these two girls could do something to break me. If anything they helped fix me without even really trying. Every encounter, every gazing look, and every smile brought me back to my old self and I could never thank them enough for that.

My dad and my mom would always tell me my smile was brighter than ever and my colours were coming back, and Camila flipped out when they said that and started rambling about how I was a rainbow. I had laughed it off and gaze her big hugs and kisses but I still remember everything she said to me so perfectly it’s imprinted in my brain.

Lauren showed me compassion in ways I never expected and was such a rock in our relationship. I never expected to love such a sarcastic asshole who was into indie music but I did and I fell harder than I ever expected too. Lauren looked like something out of comic book in a way, the dark villain with bright eyes that could make you fall into her spell and abuse you in any way she wanted. But instead she was soft and gentle and freaked out under pressure. A girl who sees the world in a way I never could and strived off of physical connection the girl who had to be touching both Camila and I to feel safe and connected. I remembered our late night conversations where Lauren felt so vulnerable and wasn’t afraid to show it.

“I’m sorry,” Lauren said calling me one night

“For what?”

“For everything…” she said quietly “I know you probably don’t remember this but when you were having your nightmare with Camila and I for the first time, Camila wanted me to sing to wake you up. That’s what your dad said, the best way to wake up was to sing to you… and I froze up. I couldn’t do it; I was just so scared looking down at you I never ever want to see you broken down like that.” Lauren sighed and I could practically see her running her fingers through her hair with worry.

“Laur, you don’t have to apologize for that. That was a compromising position to be in; you can’t feel bad over something like that.”

“Bullshit.” Lauren snaps “You needed me and I couldn’t help because I was scared.”

“It’s okay to be scared don’t you know that?” I say sitting up in bed “It’s OK to be scared, you were worried about me and that’s okay, I would never hold anything like that against you.”

Lauren was quiet on the other side of the line and knew what she was doing.

“Stop overthinking Lauren. I mean it. Stop. It’s okay and you don’t have to worry about that.” I sigh and get out of bed “Lauren I’m coming over,”

“What?” Lauren asks startled. “It’s like two o’clock in the morning.”

“I know, and I also know you need cuddles so I’m coming over, you can’t stop me.”

“I’m so in love with you,” Lauren says after a while

“I know, and I love you more.”


“Hey Normani, can I talk to you?”

I look up from my conversation with Michael (who now has red hair) to see Zayn looking at me with hopeful eyes but I just raise my eyebrows in surprised. It had been weeks since I had spoken with Zayn, he didn’t try to contact me and I didn’t try to contact him so I had thought we were done speaking, done with our friendship.

Michael (the amazing friend he is) notices my hesitation and stepped in front of me. Even though Zayn and his girlfriend Perrie had messed with Michael speaking about his issues with his father and other things he still felt the need to protect me and I don’t think I’ve ever been more in love with our friendship.

“It’s alright, Michael, I’m fine with talking to Zayn.” I say stepping in front of him and looking at Zayn. “But Michael, if I’m not back in ten minutes come find Me.” and with that I start walking forward expecting Zayn to follow, which he does. Once we’re far enough away for privacy I looked up at Zayn and crossed my arms.

“So what is it?” I asked

Zayn shuffles surprised at bluntness and looks away as his cheeks gain color “I miss you,”

Oh,” I say, leaving it simple and plain.

“I just want us to be friends again,” Zayn says.

“Aw, Zayn,” I say in a voice that I would use if talking to a dog, and I place my hands on Zayn’s neck.

“See honey, what happened was… you’ve come way too late. If you had said this a couple weeks ago I would be all over it, I would be so down for being friends with again. But now, that chapter of my life is closed and I kind of want nothing to do with you.” I give him a smile and a giggle “Sorry boo.” I place a kiss on Zayn’s cheek before turning away and walking away from the boy “See you never!”

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