Chapter 45

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"That' one has a beautiful voice on her, you pick em well Normani," my dad says and I can't help but laugh. My dad had been so supportive of my choices and my decisions and I couldn't ask for a better father. When things got bad he was always there to pick up the pieces, I wouldn't be the person I am now if it wasn't for him.

We were still in the car on our way home when he called Ms. Cabello and I could feel myself shaking.

"Hi there, is this Ms. Cabello? hi, this is Derrick Hamilton, Normani Kordei's father, how are you? I'm fine thanks for asking, I just wanted to give you a call because I heard you were upset with your daughter because she didn't come home on time, and I wanted to tell I feel somewhat responsible... see my daughter has had a traumatic experience in the past and she has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, usually she doesn't have any problems, she in the very last stages of it - yes. She's healing but the reason Camila wasn't home on time was because Normani's PTSD flared up, and your daughter was kind of enough to stay with Normani until I could get home and take care of her - yes I understand - I hate when Mani doesn't answer the phone as well, but she did an amazing thing and I also wanted to thank you for raising such a lovely daughter and keeping my child safe for me..." my dad listened nodding his head "yeah, me as well, have a nice night." he hung up and I rose my eyebrows

"Well?" I questioned

"Ms. Cabello wants to meet us for lunch this weekend, I'm guessing she wants to talk about you... and your experience." he says and I can feel my stomach drop.

"The whole reason my PTSD starting acting up is because I talked about it and she wants me to do it again?" I sighed "is Camz at least getting out of her punishment?"

"I think so, she sounded really proud of her daughter when she heard... she says their going to talk tonight, I guess all you can do is hope for the best."

I nodded and leaned my head against the window of the car. "The only person I talk about it with is Michael, and my girlfriends, I don't want to add more to the list."

"I still think we should go to the dinner with them though, get to know your girlfriend's mom."

"She already hates me, I met her before and she wasn't interested in getting to know me."

"She doesn't hate you,"

"Mmm." I said, pulling out my phone texting Michael.

Normani: call me in an hour??

And Michael texted back almost immediately.

Michael: you got it

I smiled down at my phone and put it back away, I had heard so many horror stories about Sinu and the way she treated Camila and the way she acted toward lesbian, gay, bisexual community, and that is what I feared the most. Camila didn't want to come out of the closet to her mother because she didn't want to deal with her mothers bullshit and that I totally understood and I wasn't going to fight her on, but I already had a temper and if she said something that stuck a cord with me I would more than likely lose my shit.

My father and I got out of the car and I darted to my bedroom to get my thoughts in order.

I was about to say fuck it and call Michael early when my phone started ringing but not from who I thought it would be.

"So I guess you decided to stop being an asshole?"

"Normani..." Zayn starts but then stops himself.

"Why are messing with Michael? Seriously he did nothing to you, he couldn't even hurt a fly."

"It's not me, it's Perrie,"

"Bullshit. You could stop her and yourself if you really wanted to, I know you Zayn."

"I'm outside."


"I'm outside. You're door."


"Do you want me to explain or not?" Zayn questioned irritation clearly showed through his voice.

"I'm coming,"



I was in the middle of coloring in one of my little sisters Little Mermaid coloring books when there was a knock on my door, I thought about ignoring it but it looked up from Ariel and yelled out "Come in!"

My mother walked in a small smile on her face. "hey, baby. Whatcha doing?"

"Coloring," I say looking down and continuing where I left off

"So, I just got done talking to Mr. Hamilton... he told me about Normani,"

I sat up staring at my mom "Told you what?"

"About her PTSD, and why you didn't come home on time."

"Oh," I said relaxing but tensing up at the same time, Kordei didn't like talking about and everyone knowing her business if it's not something she would share herself.

"Why didn't you tell me that's why you didn't come home?"

Because you told me to shut up because you didn't want to hear excuses.

But I didn't say that, I just shrugged looking back down at my coloring books, I didn't feel like fighting with her and if I opened my mouth it could easily turn into one.

"That was very noble of you," my mother says and I smile a little.

"Thank you,"

"Can you tell me a little bit more about what happened to her?" my mother asked and I bit my lip.

"I don't know, it's not really my place to tell... Kordei doesn't like people in her business."

My mother nods, "that's understandable, well I invited the Hamilton's out for dinner with us next Friday, maybe she'll feel like sharing." my mother comes and sits down beside me. "Here," she says and I look to see my phone in her hand and I look up at her with wide eyes.

"I'm willing to give this back to you, only if you promise to always call me and let me know what's going on, okay?"

I nod my head and smile "yes, yes, yes!" and my mother smiles back and hands it over.

"I'm looking forward to getting to know your friend," she says as I turn my phone back on and try to remember what ever else is going on with the outside world and I nod my head.

"I love her, you'll love her too." I tell her absentmindedly.

"Hmmm," she says. "Good for you."



Thank you all so much for reading this and leaving comments and voting! I think this may be the first fic ever for fifth harmony to have a very serious Polly relationships and so many ups and downs and if you haven't gotten bored or over this story just know I love you so much.

So I was thinking of making a Q&A video for all of my stories and my witting. I would post it on YouTube and throw in link so you can watch it before or after a new chapter. so if you could leave some questions below or message me on tumblr ( so hopefully I can have enough to make a video? let's hope so!

And by the way I have written a Caminah one shot recently and if you haven't read it... go read it maybe?

Have a nice night! (or day or afternoon)


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