Chapter 37

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" I m r e a d y to go homeeeee, well Kordei's house." Camila giggles in my ear and she wraps her arms around my neck and places a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Where have you been Camz?" I question her looking into her dazed brown eyes

"With Niall and that new girl, she's so nice! You have to meet her!" Camz tells me excitedly "where Kordei? Camz wants to go homeeeee!"

"Why are you talking about yourself in third person?" I ask her laughing before pulling her away from the pounding music and the drunk swaying bodies of our classmates.

I looked around for Kordei but she was nowhere outside, her car was still out front so it wasn't like she went anywhere. I sighed and looked around. When Camila finally let go of me and was looking around along with me.

"Hey! Zayn! Com'mere!" She yells jumping up and down like an excitable four year old and I would laugh at her jumping form if she wasn't calling Zayn over.

Even though I had let go the situation Zayn and had put ourselves in but we had not apologized to me and I didn't ever put myself in a room alone with him. Not because I fear what he could do to me but what would be said from the both of us.

"Have you seeeeeeeen, Kordei?" Camila sings throwing her hands around in the air and it makes Zayn smile at her and ruffle her hair.

"Last time I saw her she went inside, can't tell you much after that."

"Thank you zanie boo!" Camila sings and turns toward the house but then turns around again "oh! Wait. Zayn?"


"While I'm gone, say sorry to my Lolo so this can go down in history as my first drunk night and I did something awesome for my girlfriend. See you!" And with that Camila gives us both a wink and starts running toward the house, leaving me behind as she stumbles on.

I turn back to Zayn and to see that he is actually nodding his head in agreement at Camila's words and I'm not sure if I want to hear them.

"Listen Lauren... The whole mess with Lauren, mess with Normani thing has been a total game to me. I never actually intending on sleeping with her, did I want to kiss her and stuff? yeah but more than anything I knew she would never do that to you."

I looked away from the boy and rubbed my arms against the wind.

"When I grabbed you, I was really upset. Not at you really and I just lashed out. I'm not asking you to forgive me but I want you to know that I will never do that to you or anyone ever again." it looked like Zayn was about to continue but I cut him off.

"Look Zayn, I'm over it. I'm trying my hardest not to hold a grudge against you and I'm still letting you be friends Kordei so, there isn't really any reason for us to have conversation. See you around." I say turning around and walking towards his house. Ready to get away from him.

When I come in through the back door it's to find Camila waiting for me, looking very sober.

"You don't control Kordei, Lauren she would be friends with Zayn rather you like it or not."

I scoff and look away "So I can't strike fear into his soul?"

Camila chuckles softly, "Come on, let's find our missing piece."


And we do find her sitting on the floor of the kitchen a beer in her hand laughing hysterically. The boy had white hair and pale skin, with one hand he clutched his stomach and with his other hand he was touching her neck. Kordei laughed along with him, her hand on his cheek and tears streaming down her face. "Michael!" She says as she laughs, loud and obnoxious it fills the air.

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