Chapter 14

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I w a s actually excited to get back to school, mainly so I could see my girlfriend. I know I had said it was OK for her to stay at Kordei’s but I had barely spoken to her over the weekend after I left, I was hoping it was because she was having so much fun and not because she wasn’t taking my calls.

So once I made it back into the school building I was instantly looking around for Lauren we didn’t actually talk in school because I didn’t want everyone knowing we were in relationship, but I knew where Lauren and her friends hung out before class.

I started making my way up to the second floor where Lauren and Alexa spent their time I knew that there was more to their clique than just the two girls but I honestly couldn’t remember anyone else’s name. So I continued making my way up the stairs and heading towards the bathroom at the end of the hall.

I had my headphones in blasting Ed Sheeran in my ears, hoping to cancel everyone out and it was working well but it didn’t stop me from feeling like everyone was watching me. The second floor was basically for all of the ‘cool’ kids hang out and I don’t belong here, but I had papers in my hands pretending I was going to see Mrs. Sterling and ask her about my physics homework.

Once I had finally reached the bathroom area I could see Lauren, her dark hair hiding one half of her face as she laughed along with Alexa and a few other girls, I wanted to get Lauren’s attention so she would look at me but I didn’t know how without looking or feeling foolish.

I slowly began to slow my pace as I came closer to the group of girls who were laughing at some joke and tried not to look at Lauren like a creeper, which ended up being harder than expected because of the fact I really wanted her attention.

I was almost past her when I felt her eyes on me, I took out one of my headphones to hear her saying some excuse about having to go up to the third floor and she would see her friends in class I could hear her goodbyes and the clank of her thick heels hitting the floor, I smiled a little knowing she was following me. I quickly made my way to the stairs and Lauren was a few paces behind me. I made my way up the stairs and quickly darted to the dark broken down hallway no one use anymore.

I turned around to find Lauren walking in and she looked beautiful, she wore all black today a short dress that fit loosely and gave the idea of cleavage. I smiled as she came closer to me.

“Hey Lolo,” I say easily and wrap my arms around her neck as her come around my waist, I give her a tight hug and I can feel her head against my neck as she held onto me tightly we rocked from side to side when I wanted to let go, but she held on.

“Wow, I guess someone missed me,” I let out a giggle and I can feel Lauren nodding against my neck and again she didn’t let me go, I let one of my arms drop down and I began to rub her back “Baby, what’s wrong?” I asked her but she didn’t speak just held me tighter “Lauren what’s going on?” I asked again.

Finally, Lauren pulls away and I can see her eyes shining with unshed tears “Nothing,” she says and tries to smile but it looks like a grimace “I just missed you, I guess.”

I looked into her eyes again, searching for something that would let me know what was going on with her, but I couldn’t find anything so I tried to smile back at my girlfriend. “You missed me so much that you’re about to cry after not seeing me on Saturday and Sunday?”

Lauren shrugs and smiles at me but it still looks sad “Can I get another hug please?” she asked me putting her arms out for me. Lauren cheeks are turning pink and I can see she is trying to hold everything in, Lauren had never really been the one to cry anywhere besides home and in our whole friendship and relationship I had never seen her cry.

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