Chapter 22

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Long chapter I hope you enjoy


" B u t yeah, I’m throwing a party and you should come,” Zayn says as we walk down the beach hand in hand, Zayn and I had only known each other for a few days but we had both grown into a system where after school we would avoid homework and go to the beach where we first met, I was still trying to convince him to get in the water with me, but instead he would just laugh me off and we go get ice cream instead. I could always feel people looking at us, or better yet looking at Zayn and I couldn’t blame them at all. Zayn was beautiful, his honey brown eyes, spikey black hair, pink lips, and dark tattoos he looked like the common bad boy that came out of a novel I would read.

“That would be so awesome, is it going to go down like the bonfire you had?” I asked him and he nods

“Not a lot of people coming, just me Liam, Niall, Louis maybe Ashton and them but we need a few ladies to come around,” he says smirking at me

“Are you telling me I need to invite my girlfriends to your party?” I ask Zayn smirking, leaning up against his shoulder. It had only been a day since Camila, Lauren, and I had become official in a relationship, we were still trying to figure out the basics of our relationship. The fact that Camila wasn’t out of the closet with Lauren had to do a lot with it, I know when we had been leaning against the school she said she would be with me in any way I wanted us to be, but we were still with Lauren and I didn’t know if she wanted the fact that she was with Lauren to everyone. We all needed to have a serious conversation about everything but we had all that would happen in this relationship but I think we were all just enjoying the sweetness of the cupcake phase, full of stolen kisses in the library and talking about our days and having a good time.

Zayn smirked and with his free hand and fluffed my hair; I closed my eyes and squished my face up until he stopped and his laughter filled my ears. “Yeah, I guess I should meet them right? Their important to you… I wanna know who is important to you,” Zayn squeezes my hand and I squeeze his back.

“Aw, Zayn you are truly the best, and yeah, I’ll come to the party I’ll tell my girlfriends and my friends we should all be down for coming over.”

Zayn smiles at me “Who else from you would be coming by?”

“Most likely Dinah Jane, maybe Ally if she can bring her boyfriend Troy, Jesy is always down for a good party and…” I keep on until I run out of friends to speak on and Zayn nods his head and says that they should be fine.

Since I had actually started going to my classes and meeting new people I had actually and they weren’t as bad as I thought it would be, there were actually kids in school that hated school and preps as much as I did.

“So what about you, Zayn, any girls on your mind?” I ask him before moving back behind Zayn and wrapping my legs around his waist, forcing him into giving me a piggy back ride. He grabs my legs instantly not even phased by my actions, he laughs but nothing more as I wrap my arms around his neck.

“There’s one girl, but nothing is going to come off that so it’s time to, you know, move on. Meet some new girls,” He says, he stumbles over his own words like he isn’t ready to ‘move on’ but he says it anyway.

“There could still be a chance, but it’s always good to move on. Don’t get to invested in someone you can’t have,” I say holding him closer.

He scoffs “but it worked out for you,” he says and I roll my eyes

“I’m just lucky,” I say shaking it off.

“I don’t have the same luck,” Zayn chuckles “But I’m good, you know? I’m good with just having laughs with you and my friends.”

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