Chapter 31

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Kordei: babe I'm on my way. I'll be there in five

Camila: yay I can't wait 2 see you

I put my phone down again as I continue to clean up my room waiting for her. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Even though I wasn't bringing Kordei home as my girlfriend, she was still meeting my mother and I wanted their silent approval.

My mom was probably the hardest person to get along with. She can be rude, aggressive, and down right mean. But she can judge a persons character Insanely well, and if she liked Kordei I knew she would be a keeper.

Another thing I was worried about was telling Kordei everything. I said I was going to give Lauren a day to tell her but I couldn't wait anymore. All of this mess surrounded Kordei and yet she knew nothing about it.

And then also the thought of us kissing was pretty exciting too.

Everytime my lips pressed her my emotions would run wild and I would want to do it again and again. I wanted Kordei to have a good time and get all the bad things of her mind and I knew this would be a very fun way to do it.

Just as I began walking down the stairs the bell rings.

"I got it!" I yelled around the house running to the door, throwing it open to see Kordei standing there a small smile on her face, her eyes are still red and her face was a little puffy, but her hair was done up and her makeup wasn't smudged after a while I had gotten to noticed things about Kordei, like how she wears her hair down when she's in a good mood, even when she dances she wears her hair down.

"Hi, come in," I tell her moving out of the way and opening the door more so she can enter the house, she walks in taking in the area around her.

"Beautiful place you have," She says softly still looking around. The walls were a soft shade of brown and gave off a relaxing mood. I could see Kordei's shoulders falling down as if she had been tense before.

"Thanks but if you really want to impress someone tell that to my mom, she's in the living room if you want to say hello."

"I would love to," She says with a smile.

"Alright, follow me." I say taking a little hop in my step and then moving forward her laugh follows from behind as she begins to walk with me. We take a turn to the left and make our way into the living room where my two sisters and my mother sit around on the sofa watching the Wendy Williams Show.

"Mama, this is Kordei, Kordei this is Mama and if you look over here that's my older sister Ariana, and my younger sister Sophia. But you can call her Soap."

My younger sister stands up on the sofa "You can not call me SOAP!" She says staring at me "Call me Sofie"

Kordei smiles back and waves "Hi there Sofie, guess I shouldn't listen to your sister huh? She must be trying to get me in trouble." which makes Sofie laugh and sit back down on the sofa. "It's really nice to meet you," she says greeting my mother "Your daughter has to be one of the nicest people I have ever met."

"Oh really now? My daughter?" My mother chuckles harshly "That's a refreshing statement," then turns back to the television forgetting about us almost instantly

If I had been moving I would have stumbled at my mother's bold words. Irritation sweeps over me instantly. I look over at Kordei who has eyebrow raised, almost like she was challenging my mother.

"She's really amazing, she saw the best in me and brought it out. You created an awesome friend for me."

"Good for you dear, have fun." She says not even turning back to acknowledge Kordei. Upsetting me further.

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