Chapter 04

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I got home, feeling a little high and feeling a little expired to write. I couldn’t stop thinking about Camzi, she had been so upset talking about her family, her brown eyes were mixed with red, her cheeks were chubbier than usual and red and when I got close to her I could feel her body heat radiating.

Camzi smelled like salt water and reminded me of the beach, I wish there was something more I could do for her than just give her my fucking phone and buy her some milk.

She seemed so sweet, and… innocent, I had no idea why she was with Green Eyes.

I should know not to judge a book my it’s cover and yet I couldn’t see look past her long legs, short attitude, and perky boobs.

Camzi seemed nice enough, so maybe Green Eyes isn’t that bad.

“Normani!” my dad called when I made it halfway to my room, I stopped and began to turn around to face my father.

Daddy was tall, broad shoulders, dark skin. Daddy was usually smiling but not tonight he had on a grim face arms crossed across his large stomach.

“Hi daddy,” I said brightly “How are you?”

“Not good, actually.” He says “I just got a call from your school.”

“Oh. Fantastic. Is it about the awesome grade I got on my physics test?” I say pulling my hair down from its ponytail trying to hide the smell of mint and honey weed.

“No.” My dad says “It’s about you apparently skipping almost every single class. Every day.”

“I’m passing, I get the work done, why does it matter that I’m in the room daddy?” I sigh and run my hand down my face.

“Because attendance is important, Normani, what happens when you get a job and one day you decide not to show up? You know what will happen?”

“Well I don’t have a job yet, so-”

“Don’t get smart, Normani.”

“I’m not! I’m just saying I will change when I need too.”

My dad sighs, repeating my movements by running a hand down his face “You’ve been this way your whole life Normani; I don’t think you’ll ever change.”

My stomach drops a little “What do you mean, dad.”

“You are so… vibrant, Normani. You are so full of color but instead of you thinking this will be a great experience for you and to make friends and be a good person you decide to hide away and not go to school, yes, you get your work done but you judge people for being different than you and don’t give new things a chance. You need too.”

I stared at my father, was he right?

“I need to go take a shower.” I say and turn away headed back to my room

“Think about what I’m saying to you Normani.”

I sigh and keep moving up the stairs, I hear my father’s footsteps start to fade away and then the door closing back to his room.

“I will dad. These are the words that will keep me up at night.”


I was sitting in my first hour class, playing Born to Die by Lana Del Rey drawing in my notebook. The first hour of the day was English, which was my least favorite subject so I let everything go by as I ignored it all. Camila wasn’t in this class so nothing else really held my attention expect my music and my drawings.

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