The Last Letter - Epilogue

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“After everything I can’t believe we can to this. After all the trouble and fears and the break ups and the irrelevants I am still in love with you Karla Camila Cabello and Lauren Michelle Jauregui” Normani stops and takes a breath “And now here we are renewing our vows. How the hell have we made it this far? Three kids an eight year old named Crystal and two five year old twins; Jared and Scott.” Normani turns and waves at her children, her favorite flower girl and her two beautiful boys acting as ring bearers.

“How did you break through my walls?” Normani laughed and looked back at the two women in front of her “Every time something went wrong you worked on me and brought me up from all of my down points you never ever said you were done even when I have. You always brought me back; you showed me I loved you… even when I didn’t want too.” Normani takes another breath and smiles even as tears come up her eyes. “I just want to thank you for my beautiful children, this family, and the love that surrounds me that I never thought I could have such a beautiful life.”

The crowd cooed and Normani was a puddle, she was so happy. Her life has had some many ups and downs with these two girls but all she knows is that she is so glad she has made the choices to stay.

The girls in front of her have made her the happiest woman she could ever be and she is so glad that there is no more worries and she renew her vows and fall in love again and again with these two girls.

Each girl she knew was her soul mate and the people she was meant to be with for the rest of her life. She’s just glad she made the choices she has.


Lauren was so glad to be finally getting to the reception. She was so hungry.

She was holding Crystal’s hand as they walked in the crowd of friends and family cheered and clapped their hands and she couldn’t stop smiling. She waved to her family and stopped in the middle of the crowd. Holding her daughter’s hand tight and pushing her long white dress behind her. Lauren had chosen a simple dress. Heart neckline and a mermaid fit, her daughter wore something similar instead she had straps and was wearing soft pink. Her green eye matching her birth mother’s but a smile that matched Camila’s and skin that was closer to Normani’s. She smiled at the crowd and waved like she belonged in the spotlight.

Next to appear was Camila, in all Camila fashion tripped on her way to the middle of the dance floor. She wore a beautiful white dress which was totally huge and Lauren couldn’t even see Scott next to her because of it. But she did see his brown curly hair. Camila smiled awkwardly and waved at the crowd. Even after all the years she was still pretty shy and didn’t like people staring at her.

Camila came to Lauren and kissed her softly mostly smiling against her wife’s lips.

“You look so beautiful,” Lauren tells Camila and Camila blushes crimson, before smiling in her thanks.

The doors open one last time to reveal Normani and Jared hand and hand. Normani’s smile could be seen from miles away, Normani was the most excited of the girls about the renewal of their vows. In fact it had been her idea. Well… Normani was dropping hints that she wanted to renew their vows but Camila was actually the one to say “HEY! We should renew our vows” and Normani pretended be so surprised at the idea of it and was (of course) totally down for it. She smiled and waved to her friends and family, before picking up her son Jared and walking to her wives.

Normani’s dress was the more extravagant than her first one, covered completely in bling top to bottom. For something is so over the top it actually didn’t look over the top instead she went with simple nude make up and no jewelry and her hair up in a simple bun. Both Camila and Lauren thought she looked completely and totally beautiful.

They all shared there kisses and the kids played around them, jumping up and down laughing about kid things as the crowd cheers around them, and each woman felt happy and complete in ways they never had before. In a way they had gotten everything they ever wanted.

 The ability to move on.

The ability to accept oneself.

The ability to feel and cherish love.

Camila chose tell everyone who she was.

Lauren deiced to take life into her own hands and make things work

And Normani realized it’s okay to have a dark past as long she remembered she had a bright future.

All three girls needed something and now they’ve found and each other along the way.

The end 


Hello everyone! first i want to coagulate you for making it this far! You have gone through all my plot twists and spelling errors and slang like a pro! Good for you! But now I want to thank you all for encouraging me to write more and more chapters and leaving your comments and voting and reading. I absolutely adore each and everyone of you. 

Hopefully you'll stick around and read my new projects. And for the very last time on Categorize, this is my final Author's Note. I love you :) 


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