Chapter 36

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The music blasted, the heat was insane, my shorts were riding up my butt and I was having the time of my life. The sun was going down and I was wrapped up in my two favorite girls. Today Lauren was going to be the sober one and Camila was drinking for the first time. She was giggly and wildly dancing with Niall and having a great time. It was so nice seeing her smile and laugh and not worry about Lauren and I for a little while. I was also having a good time hanging out with Waliyha, Zayn's sister who was actually allowed to stay at the party. She was a blast and totally beautiful. I could tell the boys had taken a liking to her but I kept her under my wing.

"Kordei!" Ashton called me over to where and he and Dinah were sitting and I walked over.

"What's up numb chuck?" I asked giggling a little.

"Will you dance for us tonight?" He asks and Dinah nods her head in agreement. Ashton and Dinah had been getting really close over the past month I would have to get her alone and ask her about it.

"Oh I don't know, my partners in crime are both a little to busy for me right now!" I said adding a little pout to the end. Lauren had run off with Liam, Ally, and Troy to god knows where and Camzi was with Niall. I didn't mind it though but even Zayn was to busy for me. instead he was with a girl named Perry... or was it Harry? I didn't know nor did I care.

Right now "The Way" by Ariana Grande and Mac Miller was playing and I was slowly rocking back and forth to the beat. I wanted to dance, but my girlfriends were busy.

I sighed and as Dinah, Waliyha, and Ashton all fell into conversation and slowly drifted off trying to find new friends. I walked into Zayn's house and into the quiet as the noise faded into the background. I didn't want to be drunk anymore. I got myself to the kitchen to get myself a drink of water. I remembered the last time I came here, drunk off my ass and almost kissed Zayn. I shivered.

I drank my glass of water and leaned up against the sink. I was starting to get into a sucky mood and I wanted out of it.

I don't know how long I was in there for before I noticed the soft noise, at first I thought I was my imagination from my daydreams but as it continued I realized someone was crying. I put my glass back down and started moving towards the soft sniffles. I wanted to call out and see if the person could tell we where they were but I didn't want to scare them away either.

I almost missed him, but I when I saw a pile of sticky looking white hair I found the crying boy.

"Hey," I say softly, trying not to frighten the boy more.

"Go away," he groans out, his voice was hard and I couldn't tell if it was because he was crying or if he really didn't want me around him.

"No," I say back and move toward the unmoving form. "if it makes you feel better, my night kind of sucks too. Too many feelings and to much beer. I can't sit with you?"

He sniffles and says nothing else.

"My names Normani. but everyone calls me Kordei."

"Why?" He says gruffly. And I then realize I still haven't seen his face. Only the top of his head and his white hair.

"Why what?"

"If your name is norman why do they call you something else?"

"Normani. actually." I say then take a deep breath "and to be honest. I've always questioned it too."

He sniffles again

We sit in silence and I watch the boy, all curled up in himself and it reminded me of what I was once was. it takes me back to Texas and everything I left there.

I shake my head a little violently and let out a mix of a groan and growl. If I'm going to do this I need to be drunk again. I stand up on my feet. "You want a beer?" I question the tiny form under me and he shakes his head.

I move to the cooler that sits on the counter and pull out another Bud Light, popping the can open easily against a door cabinet. then go and sit back with the boy. before I even open my mouth to speak I chug half of it down. the taste doesn't even burn my mouth anymore.

"Can you tell me why you're crying, please?" I ask again

He shakes his head.

"Wanna hear a story?" I ask the boy and regardless of if he says yes or no I'm going to tell it anyway. but he actually nods his head in agreement, I take that as progress.

"I moved here a little over four months ago and back in Texas, where I'm from I had friends who loved me a lot, but I also had other things. Bad things. things I haven't told anyone here. and sometimes I can still feel them surrounding me and my choices. It hurts and sometimes I just want to throw myself into the darkness, maybe then I won't feel anything.

"But then I started feeling good stuff, I fell in love and I'm happy now,"

"What happened in Texas?"

"A lot, and I don't like telling my life story to people who tell me to 'go away' my friend" I say and the boy snorts out a laugh and finally looked up at me.

"My names Michael,"

And Michael is beautiful with light grey eyes and pale skin, pink on his cheeks and nose. His face is soft and delicate and I can't help the feeling of wanting to run my fingers all over his skin. his eyes are swollen and he looks absolutely perfect.

"Hi Michael, I'm Normani."


So just to clear things up this story is going to have some more chapters and a lot of stuff isn't finished but to make it easier for me to write I added in Michael so we can explore Normani's past and not another love interest.

I chose Michael is because one I love 5 seconds of summer and I've been reading "7:15" a Ashton fic here on wattpad so check that out if you want.

This chapter is short but I'm already writing the next chapter :)


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