Chapter 13

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I was planning on writing more than this, then life happened and Fifth Harmony is at RDMAs right now and they won for me & my girls and can you hear me screaming??? So enjoy! 


M y day with Kordei ended up being better than I thought it would, I should be filled with doubt and hurt because it felt like I was cheating on Camila, but instead all I felt was this rush. A rush of new feelings I hadn’t felt before. With Kordei everything felt more intense, more serious, and just plain different. But I liked it.

After our ice cream date and me sending secret smiles to her over my ice cream cone, we deiced on going to the movies, I was thinking we would be going to the imagine theatre but instead Kordei drives us to the mall.

“What are we doing here? I thought we we’re going to the movies?”

Kordei laughs a little bit and looks over at me “Don’t you trust me, Lauren?”

I look at her suspiciously “Yeah,” I say and push my hair back from my face.

“Then get out of the car and follow me.” She replies with and turns off her car and gets out, I’m left staring at her with a mix of disbelief then make myself jump into action and follow her speed walking until I can grab onto her arm.

“You are the most confusing person ever, Kordei.” I tell her but she only laughs again.

“I’ve only been living in Miami for about a month, you have been here your whole life and you don’t know what I’m about to show you?”  

Apparently not, if you are taking me to a movie store then no I’m not going in it smells in there.”

“Lauren,” Kordei says and her arm snakes around my waist and pulls me in holding me so close I can feel her breath rolling against the side of my neck and I shiver against her

“Yes?” I reply, trying to keep myself under control

“Just shut up and let me take you somewhere,” She commanded

Instead of getting upset like how I usually do when anyone tells me what to do I just take a deep breath and nod and Kordei takes notice, smiling against my ear before kissing my temple a chuckle falling from her lips.


Turns out there is a theater called “1 dollar movie theater” in my mall for the past couple years and I had no idea it existed everything inside literally cost a dollar. Only three movies were playing in the theater because it was so small but I started smelling the popcorn down the hall from the theater, the reason I never noticed it was because it was by footlocker and a Chinese food restaurant which almost masked the popcorn when I was ever just walking by and when I was with my friends we would only shop at H&M and Urban Outfitters which were on the other side of the mall.

“Wow,” I say looking around the theater “I never even knew this was here, really I didn’t.”

Kordei laughed “To busy looking for new shoes to buy?”

I snorted “Something like that.”

Once we made it up to the man with the tickets he smiled at us “Hey, Normani,” He says easily to her and I look at her and raise an eyebrow how many times has she come here?

“Hey Ralph,” she acknowledged “Two for Beautiful Creatures, please?” 

“Oh sure, there’s no one in that one right now so have fun, that will be two dollars.” He tells us and Kordei hands the money over in change and Ralph just laughs checking all of the quarters then telling us to go ahead handing us the tickets and saying our goodbyes.

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