Chapter 12

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I want to say sorry for such a long wait for this chatper but I think I should go back to updating quickly again. 


Kordei was driving us in her jeep, playing Rihanna while I laid back and looked out the window.

I know that I have a girlfriend that I really love, but there was something about the girl beside me that had me questioning everything and I didn’t even know what it was.

A few weeks ago I had questioned why she was a good person and why Camila had wanted to be her friend and then today we had almost kissed, it was a moment that I had wanted so badly to happen but didn’t let happen because of Camila.

But how I wanted her so badly to kiss me, I wanted to know what I felt like. Her hands had wrapped around my body felt so different… different than anything that happened between me and my girlfriend. I didn’t want to say that it felt better, it was just different.

A feeling a warmth and fullness came over me and it was like I felt like I was the one that could be protected for once, which was different than with Camz.

But maybe it was because this was fresh and I had been with Camila for only three months and we had already fallen into a routine and maybe with this felt so fresh.

But at the same time, I just wanted to see where I could go with Kordei.

I still wanted to know what it would be like to kiss her, and it was the only thing on my mind.

“Now where?”                                                                                                                                         

I looked around where we were and then said “Turn right and it should be the first store on the right in the mini mall.”

Kordei nods and keeps her eyes on the road.

Once we get to the store, she turns off the car and looks at me “Ready?”

I nod “You are going to love this place,” I tell her as we get out of the car, Kordei comes around to my side and smiles at me.

“Well, lead the way; I have no idea what I’m walking into.”

I laugh and take her hand “Don’t act like you’re scared.”

Kordei intertwines our fingers and rolls her eyes “I’m not scared, I just don’t know what’s going to happen next.”

“Well you have to stay tuned.” I say and squeeze her hand in mine

“Alright, I guess I will.” 



T h e store looked totally different on the inside, originally I thought it would just be a plain building but I was so wrong the whole store was covered in brick wall, when I touched it I was only to find that it was wallpaper, it was somewhat dark in the store with low hanging chandeliers giving off red, blue, and yellow light right above the rows of music.

Most where for CDs but the last row was for old records, but they had new music there for the old players as well. Ellie Goulding played softly through the speakers and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath taking in the smell of old and new mixed in together and it made a new scent, unrecognizable to my own nose. 

Lauren was holding my hand taking me through the store she knew exactly where to take us apparently but I couldn’t take my eyes off of my new surroundings. I had never even been on this side of town before, everything was fresh.

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