Chapter 19

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“Camzi…” Normani’s breath is playing along my ear “I fucking missed you baby,” Her fingers glaze up and down my bare stomach “Camzi… why don’t you tell me how much you missed me”

“I missed you so much,” I gasp out and press my lips to her neck as she holds me close, her hand drifting down to the button of my jeans, she stops and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Do you want too? We don’t have too.”

I shake my head “No I want this.”

Kordei’s chuckle fills my ears and she turns us so I’m lying on my back a pillow under my head, Kordei kisses my lips and my hands come around her neck as I kiss her back with everything within me. Kordei hand leaves my waist and comes down to the button of my jeans; once the button was undone I let out a gasp because I knew what was coming.

Kordei’s hand slips into my jeans; she lays her hand on top of my center

“Are you sure?”

I nod again “Yes, please. Please.”


I open my eyes, the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ears. I let out a groan and hit my alarm clock off. Why does it always wake me up at the best part?

It was Monday morning and every single time I closed my eyes I have another stupid dream like that, but the thing was it wasn’t always Kordei, sometimes it was Lauren. The scenario was always different and always left me panting for breath. Everything about my situation was so emotionally frustrating that my body was getting frustrated I couldn’t control myself anymore, even my thoughts would turn over to the nasty side.

I hadn’t been in many relationships before, hell, being with Lauren was practically the first person to ever love me and now that I’m not getting any affection at all it’s like, I’m not sure to it.

But today was Monday and I would get to see my girls again.

So once my alarm clock was off I closed my eyes one last time and finally got the strength up and pulled myself out of bed and headed to my bathroom to get myself ready. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, clearing all of the sleep out of my eyes. I push my thick brown hair and move my bangs to the side of my face they were finally getting long again, so I wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore.

I made my way out of the bathroom and looked around for my favorite strapless purple top. I went through every single one of my drawers and my closet and still I couldn’t find it. “Ariana if you have my top,” I groan and make my way out of my bedroom and heading toward my older sister’s room. I opened up her door and stepped in.

“Ariana, where’s my top?”


“Ariana, get up.” I snap and turn on the light and Ariana’s groans hit the room loudly

“What the fuck are you doing?” she yells sitting up and looking at me with excusing eyes.

“Where’s my purple top?” I say “I know you have it.”

Ariana has the ability to wear the same clothes as me, she’s a little bit smaller than me so everything I have she believes is up for grabs. My jackets, my dresses, T-shirts anything she can get her hands on. Ariana has sticky fingers and it bites me in the butt every time because she never remembers to return them so I’m left without my clothes.

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