Chapter 32

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Kordei and I spent our time with our lips pressed to each other's and forgetting our problems. There was such a rush with the idea that we could be caught at any moment even though we weren't, it had to be the most refreshing night that I didn't admit to myself that I needed.

I walked Kordei to her car and wrapped my arms around her and smiled against her neck. "Thank you for coming," I say before pulling back and giving her a smile.

"Yeah, I'm glad I came too." She says back to me

"So does that mean you won't be taking your space anymore?" I question standing on my toes and giving her a large smile. And Kordei rolled her eyes in response.

"I don't think I could stay away from you two even if I tired, I'm not even mad anymore."

"Good, just make sure you fix things with Lolo alright?"

"Don't worry, everything should work out alright." She says "I'll see you tomorrow alright?"

I nod "See you,"

"See you," she responds before hopping in her car, I watched her drive away waving frantically as she went. When she was gone I headed back inside and locked the door behind. A smile still on my face.

Even through everything that was happening we could still have simple and soft moments were we don't have to worry about the outside world.

"Karla, are you back inside?" my mother's voice rang out pulling me out of my happy place and I sighed.

"Yeah, I'm here." I say before moving forward and making my way into the living room.

"Your friend seems nice," my mother says dryly and I hold back a snort. She had barely even looked at Kordei.

"She's great," I say truly before turning about to head back to my room

"Wait." My mother says "Now, that's she's gone we can talk about more important things. Come sit,"

Fear shot through me, what could we have to talk about?

Slowly I made my way to the sofa next to my mother. My little sister was gone; probably up in her room somewhere but my older sister, Ariana was still down staring at the television in front of us but I knew that she was listening, waiting for what was going to happen next.

"I don't want to talk about this with you but I feel like I have too. Your father."

I cringed, I knew where this was going.

"You're father is rude, inconsiderate, and I don't want to have to deal with anymore than I have too."

I looked away from my mother's eyes and looking ahead, I didn't like it when she talked about my father.

They got divorced when I was two and I have hated each other ever since. Because they couldn't deal out their own problems I was always stuck in the crossfire. At first it had been just about spending more time with me. But now it's about my mom keeping me away from my father to upset him as much as he can.

What she doesn't realize is that she is also hurting me.

She thinks that I favor my father. When in reality it isn't true. What I liked about my father is that we got along so well and unlike my mother he doesn't keep me away from him.

My mom thrives off of power and angst, then likes to ask why I'm upset. She starts the chaos then asks why I'm a emotional wreck.

"He needs to stop calling me." She continues "I said that I would not do anything that wasn't in the court order and now you father is calling me and texting me and blowing up my phone because he wants to take out for some family reunion when it's not his time to have you."

"Wait so now you don't want him to call you?" I asked my voice dry and flat. The last time I had tired to get things cleared up with my mom and dad she said that he never called her and would use me as a speaking tool.

And now he is calling her and she doesn't want him to?

This woman was so twisted.

"No! I don't want him calling, he knows when he can pick you up and he shouldn't be asking me to see you more! We go by the court order and he needs to stop!"

"He only sees me seven percent out of every year and you're upset because he wants to take me to a family reunion so I can meet his side of the family?" I didn't know anyone on my fathers side. Some of his brothers but other than that I almost had no idea who my family was, who my blood was.

"Don't get smart with me." My mother snaps harshly. I was so use to this tone of voice from her I didn't even flinch like I use too. "I don't even know why I'm talking to you about this, it doesn't concern you."

Yes it does I think but don't dare to say it aloud, in the end it was about me and did concern me. This was my life and my family she was messing with.

She keeps me away from him because it makes her think she doesn't have to deal with him. But in truth every time she looks at me she sees him. It does something to her, it made her cold and as I grew up and became more and more like him it made her harsh. She looks at me different, not like how she looks at her precious Ariana.

"I'm gonna go to bed." Is what I say instead, getting up. I don't want to hear this anymore.

"I'm not done talking about this." My mother says and I turn and finally look her in the eyes.

"You said this situation doesn't concern me, right?" I questioned eyebrow raised

"Yes I did," she responds with

"Then I don't need to hear about it. It doesn't concern me." I snap, ending the conversation "Goodnight mother, Ariana." I say before turning and heading to my bedroom.


Finally an update to be completely honest I have four chapters set up for my next fic and it's been taking all of my time so updates for this is probably going to be slow. This story is coming to a close and I'm so glad you guys have been here reading.

So I'm writing a Zayn Malik fanfic which will also be staring Normani. It's an AU that (as of right now) will be called 'Someday' and even if you don't ship Zormani I hope you read it anyway. Maybe I can change your mind.

I hope you Leave your comments below!


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