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I feel so bad! So my laptop JUST broke and will not be prepared until tomorrow so now I don't have my laptop and my whole world is crushed.

I had a chapter ready for the update but before I could even try to post it my laptop crashed and I hate trying to type on my phone I don't understand how people do it.

So I will give you an idea of what will happen tomorrow.

Lauren feels guilty, she didn't even want Kordei as a friend and now she wants to be with her romantically? Even though she already has the perfect girlfriend? What else could Lauren want?

Kordei feels bad because of Camzi, Camzi is so sweet and bright-eyed. Kordei doesn't want to ruin her innocence but also doesn't want to lie. And why is it that every time Kordei spins alone time with Camzi she gets that feeling in the pit of her stomach that feels like love?

The SAME feeling she gets when she is with Lauren?

And of course Camz' has no idea what's going on at all.

The next chapter will have a lot of Camren and Normila so I hope you enjoy.

I'm sorry I can't update today like I want too.

And everyone can thank my lovely reader Abby for making this new cover and I totally love it and seriously it's the coolest thing ever.

I hope everyone has a nice day and if my laptop is fixed a REAL update will be tomorrow!!


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