Chapter 06

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I w a s  back at home reading the Fault in our Stars but Kordei’s voice was still in my head calling the story awful because of its ending, and now I felt like I needed to finish it more than ever just to prove to her that it won’t be an awful ending.

But she was right, I only had a few more pages left, I was in tears, and I was so tried, my eyes we’re drooping but I kept reading on.

When I finally finished the book it was only about eleven o’clock and my sisters, Sofia and Ariana would both be asleep by now and my mom had been out cold for a few hours, I quickly made my way down the stairs trying to move as softly as I could, when I made it to the kitchen I grabbed the home phone and started making my way back up the stairs making sure to plug the one piece into the phone outlet, I would get into so much trouble if I got caught, but I didn’t care, what else could Ariana and my mom do to me?

When I made it upstairs I closed my door quietly behind me and made my way to my closet, closing that door and sitting down in the darkness.

When I was little and I got really upset and in trouble with my family, my mom wouldn’t let me close my door, and to this day I don’t know why she wouldn’t let me, it was like she liked hearing me cry and wanted to be upset as she could make me.

So I started closing myself in my closet because she could never find me there and whenever she asked where I was I would say that I had been in the bathroom.

It was dark but before I kept a very tight hold on the piece of paper, shining the home phone light on it so I could read off the numbers and make my call.

Calling people for the first time always freaked me out, my heart right now was racing out of my chest and I could feel my pulse rushing harshly in my neck as the phone rang and rang.

“Hello?” the voice responded with when it answered, the voice sounded breathy.

“Um, hi, yes, is this Kordei?”

“Yes ma’am, who’s calling?” Kordei said back

“This is, um, me. I mean, I’m Camila.”

“Ohhhhhh, hi my Camzi,” Kordei said back amused “You got your phone back?”

“Um, uh, no. I’m using the home phone.”

“While you are still grounded?” She said back more amusement leaking into her tone

“Yeah,” I said voice breathy, my heart was still pounded I wanted to calm down but I haven’t had an extra ounce of luck yet, I was using right now by hopefully not getting caught having this conversation.

“Wow, rebel girl, and just to talk to me?” Kordei laughs “You’re cute.”

I could feel my face heating up “I finished the Fault in our Stars.”

“Oh,” she says “Bullshit, right?”

I sighed in defeat and let out a little laugh “The ending was awful,”

“A-ha!” Kordei says and I can picture her jumping up and pumping her fist in the air “Told you,”

“Gosh, I didn’t want to believe it, it’s like… a bad taste in my mouth now, it’s so sour, I need some chocolate bars and to cry myself to sleep.”

Kordei laugh fills my ear, it’s a mix between a chuckle and just- really loud.

“Yeah, did it leave you as unsatisfied as it left me?”

“That’s what it is! I feel like there needs to be a written squeal!” 

“Exactly and there isn’t one.”

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