Chapter 10

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Ten Chapters and over 22,000 words, do you guys ever really realize how long my fics are? Because when I look I'm not even halfway done with it and there are THAT many words. omg. 


 I w o k e  up I was Kordei’s bed alone, music was blasting downstairs and I could smell bacon cooking down stairs.

I sat up stretching out my body and knocking the sleep out of my eyes, then slowly getting out of the bed and making my way down the stairs. I make my way to the kitchen praying that I don’t get lost in this giant house.

“Guys?” I asked looking through the hallway and trying to find the kitchen.

“In here!” Camila yells loudly then comes out of one of the passage ways running toward me “We tried to wake you up, but you weren’t having it, Kordei and I are making breakfast.” Camz takes my hand and leads me down and toward the kitchen. 

“Is this Fall Out Boy?” I questioned then listened a little harder to the music, it was, ‘the Phoenix’  when we made it to the kitchen “God I love this song,”

The war is won

Before it's begun

Release the doves

Surrender love


Wave the white flag!


Hey young blood

Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

You're wearing our vintage misery

No, I think it looked a little better on me

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

We continued walking in to see Kordei at the stove cooking bacon, shaking her hips to the beat of the music. Mouthing along to the words

“The eggs didn’t burn did they?” Camila said running to the other side of the working on the yellow yolk in the skillet.

“No, I turned down the heat, turn it back up to five it’ll cook pretty fast so make sure you watch them.” Kordei says back.

“Wow have you guys been up for long?”

“No, not really, maybe half an hour?” Camila says not looking up from her eggs.

“And you both made all of this?” I looked around seeing two large plates of bacon, pancakes, waffles, sausage and even some hot dogs.”

“I like to cook,” Kordei says with a smile “You wanna help?”

“I don’t think we need to make any more food, really.” I say “But I can pour juice, if you have any?” I asked moving to the fridge.

“Yeah,” Kordei says “and then glasses are in that cabinet on the left.”

I pull out the milk and orange juice and then move over to the cabinet and pull out some glasses before going back to the island

“I want milk!” Camila yells to me finishing up the eggs, “and Kordei wants orange juice!”

“Got it!” I said back and started pouring.

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